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5 posts total

Obsidian is local, offline, and privacy-first, so we won't consider adding AI features until they can fit with the principles in our Manifesto.

In the meantime, there are dozens of awesome #Obsidian plugins that allow you to work with LLMs.

Comb 🍯

@kepano Thank you so much for your work on Obsidian :blobcatheart: This is a godsend, literally!
LLMs have an interesting future for management, but, sadly, they need a lot of polishing until it truly blooms


These are all separate vectors:

1. VC vs user-supported
2. Files vs databases
3. Open vs proprietary formats
4. Open vs closed source
5. Extensible vs non-extensible
6. Private vs privacy-invasive

An open source app can be VC-backed, store its data in a proprietary format, have terrible APIs, and include telemetry


Skiff raised ~$14m in VC to build an open source alternative Google Suite. Now it's being acquired by Notion and the code has been taken down.

All software is ephemeral. File over app.

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@kepano So when is Obsidian going open source? πŸ€”


> VC

seems to be a rather common problem, investors' money is not as infinite as it may seem, and also gives them some kind of leverage over the project direction


Obsidian Canvas is now available on mobile! ✨

With #obsidian 1.1.15 we also made lots of improvements to Canvas

- Added settings for display and behavior
- Canvas content appears in global search results
- Resize multiple cards at once
- Block-based cards
- Background images

Also, we're now on Mastodon: @obsidian

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