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🦊 Professor Fig Fucking Dies πŸ‡°πŸ‡Ώ :therian:

any mf who honestly thinks that uploading your mind into a computer will let you live forever has never had to restore a file from 12 years ago in a format that doesn't exist anymore

🦊 Professor Fig Fucking Dies πŸ‡°πŸ‡Ώ :therian:

also: how do you even "upload" your mind? your consciousness is stored in physical form - neural pathways. even if you find a way to somehow transfer them into digital form, i am not sure that the copy of your brain will be the actual you with YOUR OWN consciousness, and not just an independent copy of you.

🦊 Professor Fig Fucking Dies πŸ‡°πŸ‡Ώ :therian:

today i looked up how long it would take to drown.
today i looked up how long it would take to drown.
how long can you hold your breath
before you can't hold your breath any longer?
how long until your lungs give out?
and the sound that used to fill the void

quiets like a mouse at midnight

searching for its piece of the pie.

today i stood in front of a window
and imagined what it would be like to fly
no, i didn't
i imagined what it would be like
to jump outside the frame that caged me inside
but my better judgment said it wouldn't be very kind
if someone you cared about found you
that's the voice that plays like a tape on

it wouldn't be fair to a stranger either.

today i looked up how long it would take to drown.
today i looked up how long it would take to drown.
how long can you hold your breath
before you can't hold your breath any longer?
how long until your lungs give out?
and the sound that used to fill the void

quiets like a mouse at midnight

searching for its piece of the pie.

🦊 Professor Fig Fucking Dies πŸ‡°πŸ‡Ώ :therian:

today i'm reminded of the time i watched a man
jump into a highway when i was just seventeen
the car lights on either side of the upper portion of the auto route below
standing at attention
staring off into the distance
just waiting for the road to clear
and the way to the comfort of their loved ones to be made

death is a strange and hollow inconvenience
when you think about it
there's a blank face
that quickly and abruptly finds its way to all the witness something of that magnitude
it's not empathy
it's not sympathy
it's more of a force intrinsic and integral self reflection
"why would someone do such a thing?"
"what could drive someone to that type of depth?"
"could i be driven to such depths?"
"would i ever be able to jump?"
there is no place to be soft in these moments,
there's no time to caught in this moment,
there's no need to believe there ever was a moment,
sigh, believe, relief in this moment
'cause i could never be the one to be in this moment

or could i?

today i'm reminded of the time i watched a man
jump into a highway when i was just seventeen
the car lights on either side of the upper portion of the auto route below
standing at attention
staring off into the distance
just waiting for the road to clear
and the way to the comfort of their loved ones to be made

DELETED so relatable ​:wtc_rika_confused:​

🦊 Professor Fig Fucking Dies πŸ‡°πŸ‡Ώ :therian:

free speech is a freedom to ensure that you can criticize or question authority or certain beliefs so that our society doesn't get caught up in a totalitarian cult of personality.

it's not a wildcard for disseminating discrimination because it's already been proven that bigotry is harfmul to society we live in and is antithetical to the principles of freedom and quality itselves.

there is nothing to debate or declare about this.

🦊 Professor Fig Fucking Dies πŸ‡°πŸ‡Ώ :therian:

so I checked Washington Post's article about Google C4 dataset and used their tool to navigate in it and I gotta say that Google started scraping mastodon instances too. I don't know how they do that, but they did it. they even have their teeth in and

albeit it accounts for very little data and is less than 1% of all tokens though.

that being said. wow. fuck.

Azriel Notdreemurr
Preferences of mastodon -> preferences -> other -> Opt-out of search engine indexing

turn on this

@tillianisafox Probably they just index the public pages?

All search engines do it.

🦊 Professor Fig Fucking Dies πŸ‡°πŸ‡Ώ :therian:

writers of fedi, i have a question for you, and as a beginner writer, i wanna ask for help.

i am writing a fantasy/sci-fi post-apocalyptic drama and i wanna ask you:

is it better to start off with finishing worldbuilding and then writing a story in it, or the other way around?

and is it better to first define themes of your story before writing it, or write it unedited and then see what happens and edit it???

because i feel stuck and i don't know in what direction to go and i am afraid that i will screw everything up

thank you, please boost

writers of fedi, i have a question for you, and as a beginner writer, i wanna ask for help.

i am writing a fantasy/sci-fi post-apocalyptic drama and i wanna ask you:

is it better to start off with finishing worldbuilding and then writing a story in it, or the other way around?

and is it better to first define themes of your story before writing it, or write it unedited and then see what happens and edit it???

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SmΓΆrhuvud (he/surprise me)

@tillianisafox In my limited experience (which included attending the Taos Toolbox workshop) there is an absolute diversity of approaches. What works for me (and maybe only for me) is to write a treatment first, in the words I would use to explain the story to a friend over the phone when both of us are stoked about it but slightly in a hurry.


@tillianisafox I am very much a planner. But i like to run with whatever inspires me. And if I feel it, it works out and keeps giving. My planning is just living and thinking deeply. I don't want to write frilly meaningless fluff, so I embrace my voice and write what makes me think and feel. Which might be cringe but no direction is necessarily wrong, in world building or story writing, as long as it feels right. Otherwise, meh. I just need more inspiration, or to chew on ut more. :blobCatBloc:

Nona Rose

@tillianisafox you’re liable to get as many different answers as replies. Every writer finds their own path. Try, fail, try again, fail better …

🦊 Professor Fig Fucking Dies πŸ‡°πŸ‡Ώ :therian:

we talked about the right to bear arms but what about the right to arm bears

🦊 Professor Fig Fucking Dies πŸ‡°πŸ‡Ώ :therian:

worst of all, this place out of every any other one. people make babies and don't think how these babies might live later in the future. none of them do. they're here for the shiny aesthetics of being a parent without the implications of it.

🦊 Professor Fig Fucking Dies πŸ‡°πŸ‡Ώ :therian:

sometimes i wonder if there is a dead person somewhere

that i could have been friends with, had they not died before we knew each other

🦊 Professor Fig Fucking Dies πŸ‡°πŸ‡Ώ :therian:

maybe they would have liked me. maybe they would have loved me. i wonder.

🦊 Professor Fig Fucking Dies πŸ‡°πŸ‡Ώ :therian:

everytime i hear or read about queer books being banned it becomes clear to me that as a writer my desire to write stories with queer or marginalized characters becomes not just a creative pursuit but a duty to other queer people.

🦊 Professor Fig Fucking Dies πŸ‡°πŸ‡Ώ :therian:

hey hey hey

my name is tillian, you probably know me

yesterday I got my wisdom tooth removed, but my insurance doesn't cover dental care and I got in a lot of shitty bills

it's about $135 in total

so I would be really glad if people donated to me to help me cover all that

thank you in advance

🦊 Professor Fig Fucking Dies πŸ‡°πŸ‡Ώ :therian:

holy shit I just checked


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