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Rasmus Andersson

[Playbit] We are looking to hire a contractor to help us with implementing Vulkan and WebGPU/Dawn on Linux DRM

Rasmus Andersson

Playbit uses a resolution independent UI and we are thinking about how to represent UI graphics (think: icons) for the computer.

A key challenge with truly resolution-independent graphics is how to maintain sharpness (pixel alignment) where necessary (like a border or ruler) while at the same time keep the general shape & identity of a graphic.

Is there a vector image format out there that fits the bill? Ideally we would use an existing format rather than inventing our own.

Any ideas?

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Rasmus Andersson

@evanw didn't you think about a format kind of like this a few years ago? Did those explorations lead to anything interesting?

Per Vognsen

@rsms My immediate thought regarding the last bullet point about "no pre-processing needed for GPU rendering" is that this seems like a strong constraint compared to existing formats. Pre-tesselation would go against the resolution independence but you could consider constraining the shape components, e.g. generalized trapezoidal components meaning that each shape component is bounded by a specified left path segment and a right path segment?

Григорий Клюшников

IMO you can't have both true resolution independence and pixel perfection. You have to pick one or the other. The closest you can get is by drawing your icons on the smallest grid possible, and then making sure you only scale them at integer factors.

You can try somehow nudging outlines into the grid automatically upon rendering, but I'm 200% sure this will produce nasty results in about a zillion edge cases.

Rasmus Andersson

Inter version 4.0 →

After two years of work on a new version of Inter, I'm so proud that it's finally released. (It's been in beta for the past year)

The changes are vast. Most notably there are six additional "Display" designs for large delicious type


@rsms I can't tell you why, but it looks very fresh! Like a painting with letters.

Danielle Foré

@rsms congrats! So excited to ship this 🩷

Rasmus Andersson

@neauoire at Strange Loop *clap clap clap* ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"

Rasmus Andersson

Playbit is an endeavor to build a new operating system for software creatives. After over two years of research, Playbit is now a real company and I'm hiring Playbit's founding engineers.

Are you up for the challenge?

Rasmus Andersson

Cyrillic readers, do these capital letters of Inter look good? Are there any of these which really should be localized? (For example, Bulgarian has a lot or variation compared to Russian, from what I've gathered.)

(Comparing to Helvetica since it's so common to see)


@rsms hi, I'm Russian.

When it comes to Russian, I find the capitals of К and Ж quite weird, as I am not used to them having such present horizontal bars; it's not wrong, though.

I can't really speak on behalf of other languages, sadly. However, I want to point out that the Serbian Dje (Ђ) seems to have its "tail" descend under the baseline; is that a common thing to do? All I've seen were the versions where it sits atop the baseline (e.g. Helvetica)

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