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Rasmus Andersson

@evanw didn't you think about a format kind of like this a few years ago? Did those explorations lead to anything interesting?

Evan Wallace

@rsms I did! I thought it was interesting but never published it. It wouldn't have supported hinting though, which is not a common vector image file format feature from my understanding.

Some links:

- Android uses VectorDrawable:

- HVIF has a hinting flag that enables snap-to-pixel, but not groups/blurs: (see also

I'm guessing you'd want masking too? Can't think of an existing thing does all of that that isn't complex.

@rsms I did! I thought it was interesting but never published it. It wouldn't have supported hinting though, which is not a common vector image file format feature from my understanding.

Some links:

- Android uses VectorDrawable:

Rasmus Andersson

@evanw Interesting! Thank you Evan.

Yeah, we likely need masking as well.

We might just end up with something internal like VectorDrawable or Skia's wire format and support some form of SVG metadata.

Would be neat to use the same pipeline for both fonts & icons.

Apple has done some (proprietary) work on something similar:

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