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2 posts total
Brian Hawthorne

Have you tried @pixelfed yet? It’s a great federated ActivityPub app based around images (think Instagram without the corporate crap). And @loops is a short-video app in the Fediverse. Both are created by @dansup and ate amazing!

It would be great if we could all come together and support Dan’s fediverse development. I just added him to the Patreon creators I support.

Brian Hawthorne

How bad are the thousands of new stochastically-generated websites?
Last night I wanted to roast some hazelnuts, and I could not remember the temperature I used last time. So I searched on DuckDuckGo. Every website that I could find was machine-generated with different temps listed. One site had three separate methods listed that were essentially differently worded versions of the same thing. With different temperatures.

So I pulled my copy of Rodale’s Basic Natural Foods Cookbook off the shelf and looked it up there.

I think it may be time to download an archive copy of the 2022 Wikipedia before we lose all of our reference material. It was nice having all the world’s knowledge at my fingertips for a couple of decades, but that time seems to be past.

[ Edit: Since others have mentioned the possibility, I should mention that some of these sites may have been SEO-generated/altered and not generated by an LLM. However, even if that is the case, the fact that the sites are as bad as and indistinguishable from LLM-generated sites means to me they are just as bad and just as likely to be have only a loose resemblance to reality. There are many ways to be a fancy stochastic parrot. ]

How bad are the thousands of new stochastically-generated websites?
Last night I wanted to roast some hazelnuts, and I could not remember the temperature I used last time. So I searched on DuckDuckGo. Every website that I could find was machine-generated with different temps listed. One site had three separate methods listed that were essentially differently worded versions of the same thing. With different temperatures.

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@bhawthorne Bugger I was thinking of making DDG my search engine but if it's pulling up the same shit as Google, what's the point.

Piggleston Pecanpants

@bhawthorne *gasp* You can't possibly mean people are going to have to resort to analog books?!

Kee Hinckley

@bhawthorne @grrrr_shark Kagi shows some variation in temps, but none of the hits look generated, and several (including the one they use to extract an answer) is from 2021.

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