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22 posts total
Commodore Yasmiga CD32 :flag_agender:🏳️‍⚧️
Please stop putting those fucking clapping emojis between each of your fucking words.

It makes your post visually disruptive and I *cannot read it* and will not read it.

I can't imagine what it sounds like to screenreaders ("Hello clapping hand emoji world").
Commodore Yasmiga CD32 :flag_agender:🏳️‍⚧️

As a former librarian I wish a very friendly Fuck You and Die to book publishers. They are the scum of the Earth.

They hate libraries. Did you know that they induce artificial scarcity by making libraries pay for each digital copy of a book? Despite ebooks being infinitely replicable, they make libraries pay for more than one copy at a time. Publishers deliberately force a limit on the supply of digital library books to extort more money out of libraries for popular titles.

In addition, publishers lobbied (in the UK) to make library ebooks only work through their apps on mobile and PC, and not compatible with any Kindle/Kobo/etc so people wouldn’t get a good experience. There is a cartel — made primarily of a company called Overdrive. Their app is absolute buggy dogshit. A far cry from the breezy and simple interface of an e-reader.

But it gets worse. Original proposals from the publishers wanted it so that service users could only download ebooks while physically in the library, thus negating the convenience of them!

Despite ebooks being cheaper to produce than a traditional book and infinitely reproducable, Overdrive will sometimes charge more for an ebook than a supplier would charge for the equivalent copy.

Publishers would have lobbied against the invention of public libraries if they could. And take it from me — public libraries are one of the few open spaces left on this planet where one can just exist at without needing to pay for anything.

As a former librarian I wish a very friendly Fuck You and Die to book publishers. They are the scum of the Earth.

They hate libraries. Did you know that they induce artificial scarcity by making libraries pay for each digital copy of a book? Despite ebooks being infinitely replicable, they make libraries pay for more than one copy at a time. Publishers deliberately force a limit on the supply of digital library books to extort more money out of libraries for popular titles.


@yassie_j вся моя сознательная жизнь в одной картинке

Commodore Yasmiga CD32 :flag_agender:🏳️‍⚧️

“‘Mastodon’ is a competitor to—“

Why do journalists always say this? This is some capitalist-brained mindset.

The only thing the Fediverse competes with is your sleep schedule.

Commodore Yasmiga CD32 :flag_agender:🏳️‍⚧️

Tech journalists: “For ‘Mastodon’ to succeed we need…”

We need nothing. The Fediverse is already a success to me because every day, I get more likes and shares than serial Mastodon complainer Not Just Bikes.

Commodore Yasmiga CD32 :flag_agender:🏳️‍⚧️

Remember that we were here before Zucc. We will be here long after Facebook Inc itself.

Even in the death of civilisation, there will be an Akkoma instance running on an ancient, decapitated MacBook.

We shall defend our shores from the corporates.

Commodore Yasmiga CD32 :flag_agender:🏳️‍⚧️

I know people have elucidated greatly on why Zucc is bad, but I want to hone onto one specific event.

Facebook entered then then-newly-opened country of Myanmar under their “Free Basics” programme. Zucc would underwrite the data costs of the mobile networks. In exchange? Well, Facebook would be ‘free’ for everyone to use in the country.

This had the (un)intended effect that everyone in Myanmar associated Facebook with the Internet.

Facebook, at this point, did not have a Burmese-speaking moderation team. They would not for a while. This is important to note. The Facebook algorithm started amplifying anti-Muslim content. Because that’s what people wanted to see in Myanmar. The military-backed civilian government even spread this content on Facebook. Because of this, such content spread far and wide.

It spread so fast that it catalysed a racial and ethnic genocide in Myanmar of this Muslim minority group. It took Zucc three years into the conflict to appoint a Burmese-speaking moderation team; by which point it was too late.

Facebook willingly, knowingly, and with only their bottom line at the forefront, accelerated one of the most devastating genocides in the world.

We should not give the “benefit of a doubt” to a war criminal.

I know people have elucidated greatly on why Zucc is bad, but I want to hone onto one specific event.

Facebook entered then then-newly-opened country of Myanmar under their “Free Basics” programme. Zucc would underwrite the data costs of the mobile networks. In exchange? Well, Facebook would be ‘free’ for everyone to use in the country.

Commodore Yasmiga CD32 :flag_agender:🏳️‍⚧️

Er… What the hell is “Yas be with you”. Why are you all saying this to each other? Did you start a cult while I’ve been sleeping?

Commodore Yasmiga CD32 :flag_agender:🏳️‍⚧️
This is the biggest trans flag I've seen! 😍

📍Nightingale Club, Kent St × Lower Essex St, Gay Village B5
Commodore Yasmiga CD32 :flag_agender:🏳️‍⚧️
Thanks to @electro for bringing this to my attention lmao

If you visit, you get a 413.

Request Entity Too Large.

No way.
Commodore Yasmiga CD32 :flag_agender:🏳️‍⚧️
Mandatory proof of age schemes for restricted content is like going to a bar and giving the bartender your ID!

Sure, but the bartender keeps a copy of your ID, shares it with his mates without asking you, and then gives a copy to the government to let them know that you were drinking at this particular bar at this time.

It's not the same.
Mandatory proof of age schemes for restricted content is like going to a bar and giving the bartender your ID!

Sure, but the bartender keeps a copy of your ID, shares it with his mates without asking you, and then gives a copy to the government to let them know that you were drinking at this particular bar at this time.
Commodore Yasmiga CD32 :flag_agender:🏳️‍⚧️
Remember to fedify your language:

"I Misskey you so much"

"I will Mastodo that for you"

"Let me Calckey the sums on that"

"My favourite anime character is Akkoma"

"You and I are best Friendicas"

"I use my peertube to look up at the stars"
Remember to fedify your language:

"I Misskey you so much"

"I will Mastodo that for you"
Commodore Yasmiga CD32 :flag_agender:🏳️‍⚧️
"Why Mastodon is doomed to fail"

Written by a New York Times journalist who joined dot-social and left after ten minutes because they didn't understand what :blobfox: meant.
Commodore Yasmiga CD32 :flag_agender:🏳️‍⚧️

@izaya “you’re on those phones too much!”

Consider that, since the financial crash of 2008, there have been hostile actions under neoliberals to remove young centres, libraries, public parks, skate parks, decimate education funding, and treat whatever staff is left as an afterthought; it is no wonder that young people are always on their phones. It is the only way that many of them can do anything social outside of school.


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