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2 posts total
Benjamin Brood

download everything. that service is going to die. be your own librarian.

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Kyle Brown

@brood things I wish someone had told my younger self

Luckily I think there's only two things that I desperately miss not having a copy of


@brood The most cost-effective archival medium that I have found are M-Disc BluRay discs (25GB or 100GB for ~$2.60 / ~$13 respectively) with a stated 1000 year lifespan under controlled conditions that aren't too onerous.

Pablo Lopez-Jamar

@brood No doubt about it. I recently discovered "Readeck", what a fantastic piece of gold to store articles :). (self-hosted opensource)

Benjamin Brood

"Imagination is subversive, because it puts the possible against the real. That’s why you should always use your wildest imagination. Imagination is the biggest gift humanity has received. Imagination makes people human, not work." --Jan Švankmajer
#quote #svankmajer

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