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#steamdeck #systemshock Another demo? Seriously? It should be the most delayed project in the kickstarter scheme. Isn't suppose that it should be released on March?

Liam @ GamingOnLinux šŸ§šŸŽ®

The only way to apparently post on Twitter right now is to schedule the tweet as they broke sending normal tweets šŸ¤£šŸ’€

Liam @ GamingOnLinux šŸ§šŸŽ®

Watch me being all awkward because Iā€™m showing my face with me pal Brodie

pieceofthepie :coffefied:

@gamingonlinux I jumped through much of the play-through content but every time I stopped it seemed stable at 30fps and looked pretty good!

Cody Claborn

@gamingonlinux I loved the original back when it first came out. Might have to try this remake on my steam deck.


@gamingonlinux Anodyne was a great surprise when I first found it, definitely a good time to pick it up again

Liam @ GamingOnLinux šŸ§šŸŽ®

The Callisto Protocol recently had a Steam Deck upgrade, so I took another look.

It can now almost hit a smooth 30FPS, but not quite. They're also now weirdly hiding the benchmark mode on Steam Deck.

Jason Evangelho

@gamingonlinux Hold up. How was this never on Steam before???

Splatsune 3 :genderfluid_flag:

@gamingonlinux Can confirm! If you're willing to tweak the Proton configs for the game, you can also get the third-party plugin system @openplanet working with no issue :-)

Matthias Bach

@gamingonlinux Sadly I cannot reproduce this on my Desktop. Always getting connection failed from the Ubisoft Connect launcher. Will have to try on the Deck later.


@gamingonlinux There's an @openplanet plugin called Tweaker that you can use to tweak things like draw distance, maybe it'd help with 60fps stable on Deck.

Stephen Ward

@gamingonlinux Unfortunately this won't be added to Luxtorpeda as they are avoiding reverse engineered ports, prompted by the takedowns of the GTA3/VC ports.


@gamingonlinux need to try this out, I never played through the original


@gamingonlinux Ohh, I was waiting for your picks. I just wish demos you add to your library would actually show up there afterwards. I added a few last night from the app, and now they're nowhere to be found on the deck :<



I remember I ported this to Windows using XNA and it was also something that my mother played a lot.

Joe Gaffey

@gamingonlinux Sounds like a great candidate for a @godotengine port. Must... not... start... another... project...

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