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8 posts total
Amanita ocreata

excellent article about prosthetics and ableism:

"The most disabling thing about missing my left arm is the way the world treats me, regardless of whether I put on a prosthesis for the day. “People have such rigid ideas about the human body,” says Sara Hendren, Professor at Olin College of Engineering and author of What Can a Body Do? “People wouldn’t make such a huge deal out of disability if they saw their own bodies as getting and receiving help when they need it.”

excellent article about prosthetics and ableism:

"The most disabling thing about missing my left arm is the way the world treats me, regardless of whether I put on a prosthesis for the day. “People have such rigid ideas about the human body,” says Sara Hendren, Professor at Olin College of Engineering and author of What Can a Body Do? “People wouldn’t make such a huge deal out of disability if they saw their own bodies as getting...

Amanita ocreata

Nearman getting expelled 59-1 with him as the only "no" vote is just...perf.

Amanita ocreata

in case you have missed what bananas shit has been going on in my state, because you wisely don't pay attention to OR pol:

Amanita ocreata

today I learned about biangbiang noodles. which.

this is actually interesting and not about food.

Amanita ocreata

I just woke up and Little Cat, upon noticing, has made it her business to pin me down.

Amanita ocreata

checked out

I mean.

every book they recommended me was one I had a very polarizing response to (either loved or hated), so, like. y'know.

(I had read them all, even the wildcards, which is a little sad, but I think it was about 80:20 stuff I loved vs. stuff I hated, so their algo works...)

Amanita ocreata

they were like, "You should read The Goblin Emperor! You should read The Bloody Chamber!" which yes, great


"You should read Blindsight" -- AHHHHHHHH.

"You should read Recursion" -- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

(I know why they recommended them, just -- AHHHH)

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