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Amanita ocreata

checked out

I mean.

every book they recommended me was one I had a very polarizing response to (either loved or hated), so, like. y'know.

(I had read them all, even the wildcards, which is a little sad, but I think it was about 80:20 stuff I loved vs. stuff I hated, so their algo works...)

Amanita ocreata

they were like, "You should read The Goblin Emperor! You should read The Bloody Chamber!" which yes, great


"You should read Blindsight" -- AHHHHHHHH.

"You should read Recursion" -- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

(I know why they recommended them, just -- AHHHH)

Darius Kazemi

@hafnia now I want to know what you think of Blindsight! I liked it (minus a few things I needed to REALLY ignore), but I know people who hate it

(I tend to despise books that lots of people with similar taste to me love so I'm always curious about these differences, I'm not spoiling for a fight)

Amanita ocreata

@darius basically, it was recommended to me as being something I'd like because it was "real" hard SF, and as a scientist I've learned that "real hard SF" is something I have to avoid at all costs. I couldn't get past the vampire thing. Among other issues.

Darius Kazemi

@hafnia I can totally see that! I have learned that when most people say "real hard sf" what they mean is "no FTL travel or communication" and that is pretty much *it*

Amanita ocreata

@darius I mean, a fair amount of it seems to think that taking physics and making it boring is the heart of hard SF.

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