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3 posts total
Halla Rempt

Someone posted a question which included the hashtag about when Krita or GIMP and so would support "AI". I won't reply or mention them because they were anonymous people without a bio, but the answer is:

* if there are libraries with a GPLv3+ compatible license
* if there are models trained only on publicly available images, instead of pirated copyrighted images (Krita is GPLv3, so yeah, we support copyright _and_ copyleft).
* if our users actually need or want AI assistance.

@halla between implementing extension / plugin supports into Krita / GIMP so developer could develop an non-existent features.

As this was a big project, It is not going to be easy task for this to be sure. But this is somewhat better than just bundling this feature into single package.
Jerry Wham

@halla the last point is the point ! Only if we want to ne assisted.
Ai must be and must stay an option.

Jacob Ibáñez :verified:

@halla if I may, I would also add
*when AI infraestructure doesn't waste insane amounts of water and pollution

Halla Rempt

As one of Adobe's competitors, being the maintainer of , I was asked to fill in a questionnaire by the @EU_Commission on the upcoming Adobe/Figma merger.

It was long, thorough and very, very clear. Good job 🙂

(Spoiler: I'd say, let's break Adobe up instead of allowing them to gobble up another competitor.)


@halla the other day I tried uninstalling Adobe CC. Tried. I had to login before I could even make an attempt, but had no access to the account. Unplugging ethernet cable did nothing. I thought I was the one in control of my installations?

Adobe really needs to be put in place, we don’t need more software falling victim to such consumer-unfriendly practices.

Halla Rempt

People are doing some amazing things with these days: a Python plugin that allows you to realtime have a scene as a layer in Krita, manipulatable. Color me deeply impressed!


@halla Add plugin support to your app and your users will surprise you with stuff you never imagined.

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