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2 posts total

Probably one of the best "error" messages I have seen in years. Informative to technogeeks without being off-putting to normal users. Well done,

Sven :8bit_mario2:

@SnoopJ Might sound like they have at least 25397 other error screens like this, though. 😅


@SnoopJ it goes even further than being not off-putting: it doesn't treat you like an idiot and teaches you something about how stuff works.


the most important part of history is when a mouse fell out of a light fixture and got added to the count of members present at a Technical Committee meeting (9 Nov 2016)

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@SnoopJ love how the mouse is still present the next day. maybe it just likes hanging out in committee meetings?
Chloe Raccoon

@SnoopJ @VulpineAmethyst Hah! This is so great, I'm reading it in tom "grumpy emoji expert" scott's voice... ;)

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