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109 posts total
tomo :azulogo: this was my cursor for years ​:burningsuperdeathsword:​
i should get it again

Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
@vriska how to get $1 cursor
> Use linux KDE/Cinnamon/XCFE, Windows cursor changing settings are shit
Vriska and the Banshees

block chatbots
ignore chatbot threads
defederate from chatbot instances

@vriska i just want to know whats inside the website the ai chatbot wont tell me
@vriska I like it but then I realized the sad thing is I can't tell if an artist made this or just an AI
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
@vriska Most people: Anything but telephony, they might as well have a PDA with LTE.
Arcanya :arcanya:
@vriska I remember seeing an advert that was meant to be for a course on how to protect against cyberbullying but the advert said "Join our cyberbullying course and win prizes for your class!" with a laughing kid as the background
Vriska and the Banshees

I don't know who needs to hear this but delete tiktok off your phone

Vriska and the Banshees

I don't know who needs to hear this either but stop visiting 4chan

Vriska and the Banshees

The best part of being homeless is when this Kurdish girl and I would pretend to be newly gay married kids fleeing a war and homophobic parents to con free hotel rooms

Vriska and the Banshees

Our biggest score was an entire weekend all Inclusive at a downtown hotel and it was like a weekend of magic

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