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32 posts total

#Twitter completely misses the point of #Mastodon . Sadly. Let me explain:🧵


I'm not actually gonna write a thread on this, I just wanted to dunk on someone trying to make themselves look important and evidently not understanding the fediverse


What's worse than a book saved as a PDF file?

A book saved as 20 PDF files


can't stop thinking about this caricature

@schratze I see nothing wrong with any of those things

idk the intentions of the artist, but knowing those are a good thing

Have a mice weekend


hot take but I think employers should pay you for doing all the paper work you have to do before starting the job


especially if it's a short-term job

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Anne C. A. Baanen, number plumber

hey sorry uh, @schratze. we put your long bird in the wrong order. yeah he just didn't make it through federation. you're going to have to permute him back or he'll look all kinds of wacky. sorry.


If you hate Windows, simply switch to Linux so you can hate Linux instead

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Brett Edmond Carlock

That was the dance I dutifully did every other year or so since 2006 until I found @alpinelinux about four years ago and started by moving my laptops over first, switching fully on my desktop just over a year ago.

Esther Alter

@schratze I use a custom Debian install and it basically doesn't work but on the other hand there's no notification popups


@schratze that's why I dualboot, so I can hate both


Top trend on German twitter rn:


Flat Mate


The idea of "alpha" and "beta" males is an outdated myth based on misinformation. There is not a single reported case of a wolf using the Greek alphabet throughout the entirety of recorded history. It does not reflect how wolves act in the wild.

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