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3 posts total
Elda King

Is your software complete? Stop adding features - only bugfixes, and don't break compatibility. It should keep working forever.

Is it still incomplete? Then you must have a plan to make it feature-complete in the near future. Reduce the scope if necessary - make a sequel later! But get a finished, stable version out first.

Either you are responsible for maintaining every version you release, or you are responsible for perfect backwards compatibility.

Elda King

I'm sick of updating software to meet the demands of other software updates.

I'm sick of constantly changing software to keep compatibility with other ever changing software.

I'm sick of updating _hardware_ to keep compatibility with the same software that used to work.

Elda King

The myth of consensual app installation - isn't there someone you forgot to ask?

Developer "I consent"
User "I consent"
Steve Jobs "I don't"

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@eldaking sorry I had to make a correction here, as my boyfriend is passionate about animals & specially about birds, he was choked when I showed him the meme: parrots *do* understand what they learn 😉

but well who cares? we're talking about something posted online back in 2021 🤭

#chatGPT #machineLearning

Cian Ó Muilleoir

@eldaking I'm sure there's some sort of polynomial joke to be had here, but I'm damned if I can find it.

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