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@eldaking when AI becomes cutie birdie parrots... the machines will truly have won

Elda King

"Do you like our owl?"
"It's artificial?"
"Of course it is."
"Must be expensive."



"yeah babe?"
"what if im the robot"
"babe, rache, sweetie pie, no,"
"what if... UR THe ROBOT"
"...babe... yr scaring me... go back to sleep ok?"

(Director's Cut)


@eldaking so I've had a lot of bosses, who could have run on machine learning?


@eldaking so, parrots can actually learn context along with the words.

It's how they recognise that saying "biscuit" leads to them getting a treat etc


@Faunabubbles @eldaking Yep absolutely. My mom grew up in South America, and there was a wild parrot that liked to tease the yard dog by imitating the commands the parrot had learned by observing how the humans interacted with the dog.

ein kleines z

@tauli @Faunabubbles @eldaking Birds are smarter than people think. Not only parrots. There are several species that learn phone ringtones and seem to be amused when they tease people and make them search for their phones.

Paul Leyland

@eldaking You are dissing parrots.

It has been well-documented that some parrots very much do understand what they are saying.

Alex, an African Grey, was perhaps the best known example.


@eldaking so ist needs more work on the cuteness factor.

Megan Fox

@eldaking now to convince my accountant that a parrot counts as a work expense, since it's "a cutting edge GPT3 chatbot competitor with enormous market potential to synergize with verticals"

Loïc ⏚

@eldaking sorry I had to make a correction here, as my boyfriend is passionate about animals & specially about birds, he was choked when I showed him the meme: parrots *do* understand what they learn 😉

but well who cares? we're talking about something posted online back in 2021 🤭

#chatGPT #machineLearning

Cian Ó Muilleoir

@eldaking I'm sure there's some sort of polynomial joke to be had here, but I'm damned if I can find it.

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