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37 posts total
Fedilab Apps

To polyglots, we added a feature in settings that allows to reduce the long list of languages when composing. You just have to check your preferred languages.


I didn't know I needed this. And yet you did it ! 👏 ❤️

Fedilab Apps

@opencollective joined Mastodon?

Our page with #opencollective and thank you to people that support our work through OpenCollective 🙏

Fedilab Apps

In next release, we planned to automatically put the visibility of replies to "Unlisted" instead of "Public" (other visibilities are not concerned).
It will be possible to turn off that feature in settings. #Fedilab

Fedilab Apps

We are working on quoted text in messages with #Fedilab


@apps Very cool, will you be integrating more Markdown features in the future?

Gomez :baner:

Don't. It's natively missing for a reason.

Fedilab Apps

Did you know that you can all contribute to the translation of #Fedilab in your language through #Weblate?

Thank you to all contributors.

JotaLuis ♂️

In my case I gave it a try there, but didn't understand how to manage there. Too much technical "places" or procedures around.

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@apps Short question: Did I miss the option? Where can I configure that Fedilab renews all TL on startup of the app or renewes the TL from time to time?
@Fedilab Apps  Simply want to say: Thank you! :-)
Fedilab Apps

#Fedilab 3.4-beta-2 has been released:

- Fix post message with media
- Set thumbnails load behavior Always/Wifi only / Ask
- Some other small fixes

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Hello, this is a post from the web site. Posting with media seems not to be fixed yet.
A question, are these circled arrows any bug?

L. Scott Spencer

@apps Was Lite updated also? It had the same issues.

L. Scott Spencer

@apps Looks like media uploads on Lite haven't been fixed. I really dig the Lite version.

Fedilab Apps

To #Peertube users, have you tried #TubeLab?
Don't hesitate to tell us more.

Anonymous poll


Yes, I uninstall it
Yes, I still use it
I don't use Peertube
2 people voted.
Voting ended 16 Aug 2022 at 20:20.
Fedilab Apps

We really hope that you will like #Fedilab 3.0.9
It won't be perfect, but we worked on your bug reports and suggestions.
Don't hesitate to join us on #Codeberg for submitting bugs or enhancements.

Fedilab Apps

We stopped our hosting server payment. If you know a way to move our work on a service that supports open-source projects, please let us know. Thank you.
RT appreciated.

Fedilab Apps

For people that wonder how to get beta with #Fdroid


Click on "Add to Fdroid" > "I have fdroid".
It will open the Fdroid app and prefill fields for adding our repository. Just click "OK".

Then pull to refresh and update #Fedilab

via @apps

Fedilab Apps

You will have to remove the old version before.

Fedilab Apps

We have created a public Matrix room for discussion about our apps Fedilab, UntrackMe and Tubelab 🥳

We're looking forward to heartedly welcome you in this room and keep in touch, so come join us at:

This format is actually new to us and we don't know how it turns out to everyone, so please be kind and patient with us, especially at the beginning ☺️

#Matrix #Fedilab #UntrackMe #Tubelab

Fedilab Apps

We have been warned that a free version of #Fedilab has been published on GPlay.

We don't own it and we didn't build that version. If you want to use the app for free, you should only download it from #Fdroid which builds apps from sources.

Fedilab Apps

With the help of @pixelfed dev, we implemented last missing endpoints for #Fedilab. Thank you @dansup

The beta release should be released in production very soon.

If you use 2FA with #Pixelfed, don't hesitate to give it a try and share your feedback.

If you are a #Fdroid user, you can add our custom repository:

Fedilab Apps

We are finishing improvements for #Pixelfed and we will try to publish a beta release today.
If you have issues for following accounts (#Pleroma), this will be fixed too.

For #Fdroid users, just use our custom repo, for Google users, you can join the beta channel in the app description.

Also, for reporting bugs, don't hesitate to opt-in to bug reports (from settings).


Fedilab Apps

We succeeded to connect a #Pixelfed account using 2fa with #Fedilab.
It will also bring fixes for stories. We should be able to offer these enhancements in the next release.

Fedilab Apps

New release of #Fedilab in the beta channel (2.37.0-beta-2)

- Offset for replies in threads with a new decoration to make them easier to read

- Fix translation issue (use

- Watermarks for pictures (default: disabled)

- Blur sensitive media for Pixelfed

- Put messages into drafts when replying to a deleted message

- Allow to schedule with another account

- Fix: quick replies lose text when doing another action

- Fix refresh token (Peertube/Pixelfed)

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