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5 posts total
Blake Leonard

I want to convince myself to write an agnostic server, and I have a killer name for it that both hits the topic and can take advantage of a new TLD...

The idea for this one is: it has a wide-ranging backend based on AP & the AP C2S API with a smaller server-specific API for what doesn't fit there (I think it'll be mostly admin stuff, like moderating instances). The frontend would be decoupled and the default frontend would also expose the Mastodon API because of course!


@blake if you can suffer not being the trailblazer, I wrote most of what you're describing in the form of the generic ActivityPub service. (No Mastodon API though)

Blake Leonard

You know, I'd like to help fundraise for a / / ad campaign. TV ads, radio ads, Twitter and Instagram ads (although good luck with that, and also yikes), a Times Square jumbotron, anywhere that will get people talking and help spark some word-of-mouth. Bring people to the light side :)

Blake Leonard

I really think and will and should work really well together.

For the memes. and I mean that!

Imagine following a meme subreddit -- directly! -- from your Instagram account, or an Instagram meme page -- directly! -- from Reddit, and not by a reposter account.

Now with the Fediverse (and the ), this is reality.

Long live the Fediverse, and long live the Threadiverse!

Blake Leonard

I found an extension that puts an button in my address bar when it finds a feed.
This might help me find more feeds.

Blake Leonard

Shout-out to @dansup for being just about the best Fedi dev there is.
I love his approach to expanding the Fediverse by not just encouraging people to use other instances than the official one(s), but also promoting Pixelfed apps (most recently Vernissage) and "competitors" like Mastodon or Misskey.

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