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59 posts total
Just released this morning, one hour ago.

This is the Wendy O that everyone loves!
#tallship #Vger #Plasmatics #punk #Hollywood

Just released this morning, one hour ago.

This is the Wendy O that everyone loves!
Maybe he will, and maybe he won't, but #Nakatomi_Plaza won't be a safe place until he fires all the #Stalinists working there and FOSSes most of the infra that has led to some of the most significant questions to date - such as, "What the hell is going on there?"

#tallship #Vger #FOSS #satoshi_nakamoto
Maybe he will, and maybe he won't, but #Nakatomi_Plaza won't be a safe place until he fires all the #Stalinists working there and FOSSes most of the infra that has led to some of the most significant questions to date - such as, "What the hell is going on there?"
Looks like we're all talking about the makin's a bread again.... flour and water - but calling it fricken' milk, lolz.

#tallship #Vger #nutmilk #vegan #carnivore #omnivore #vaginavore

Looks like we're all talking about the makin's a bread again.... flour and water - but calling it fricken' milk, lolz.
Fuck the CEX's, and their whole "Fractional Reserves" schemes (AKA centralized banking ponzi). Bitches, all of them!

Er.... hehehe: "That'll learn ya!"
Here's an in depth, drill down tutorial / HowTo for what is perhaps the most powerful and comprehensive Fediverse server - #Hubzilla.

Hubzilla doesn't just communicate with the entire ActivityPub portion of the #Fediverse, but #IRC (Internet Relay Chat), #Diaspora, Twatter, and even the #GNU_Social / #StatusNet networks.

You can enable interaction with any, some, or all of those networks, or close it off to just the servers on the #ZOT protocol network.

This video was produced and narrated by my friend Dani van der Merwe @gadgeteer and again, he provides a very comprehensive deep dive into both functionality and administration.

if you're looking for a social networking and publishing platform in the Fediverse that can meet all of your micro/macroblogging, #Wiki, and news article and web page publishing, all of your interconnectivity to other chat platforms including IRC and #XMPP, #Email, #RSS, etc., etc.; then Hubzilla may be the perfect platform for you - especially if you're looking for an address of your own in the social networking space that will remain yours for the longhaul, enabling your connectivity to other emerging networks as they become available.

It may at first seem that it's a bit much for an average user, but in its very basic form Hubzilla merely acts like any one of the most popular Fediverse servers such as #Pleroma, #Misskey, #Friendica, #Smithereen and #SoapBox, with the option of increasing its user and networking functionality at your option.

So without further ado, here's the video overview and tutorial, and I hope you enjoy :)

#tallship #Vger #Fediverse #FOSS @danie10 @danie10 @tallship @tallship
Here's an in depth, drill down tutorial / HowTo for what is perhaps the most powerful and comprehensive Fediverse server - #Hubzilla.

Hubzilla doesn't just communicate with the entire ActivityPub portion of the
From the folks who later brought us the "ZIP Drive".

I remember being told on so many different occasions that "You'll never need more than 64K of RAM, later, 128, then, 640, and 5 or 8MByte Hard Drives were more than you'll ever need for storage...

My fav part of the ad is where they say, "The only piece of hardware you'll ever need, for your expanding data reuirements"

Oh lolz.....

#tallship #Vger #iomega #zip_drive #zip_100
From the folks who later brought us the "ZIP Drive".

I remember being told on so many different occasions that "You'll never need more than 64K of RAM, later, 128, then, 640, and 5 or 8MByte Hard Drives were more than you'll ever need for storage...
More programming in the Fediverse means less privacy mining on the deprecated legacy YouTube silo
Well buoys and gulls, it has begun, the pendulum is beginning to swing back towards sanity. Wokesters are busy burying their communist uniforms in anticipation of arrest for their war crimes.

#New_Hampshire already has the best motto nationwide, emblazoned on their license plates, and I've always wanted to go there with a camera in the fall, but I'm afraid it's a little too cold for my particular liking, The weather in #Los_Angeles and #Sandy_Eggo being my preference - especially during those winter months.

But anyway, back to the topic of this post, Check out the the video at 2:15 seconds. After all the craziness of the Bolsheviks during the past couple of years the sunlight shines through onto the glacial dystopia that the vocal minority of subversive miscreants aspired to create, impose.... with an historic avalanche coming in November Muahahaha!

By the way, this New Hampshire license plate actually belongs to the #Jeep owned and driven by the one and only Jon "maddog" Hall, currently the chair of #LPI.

#tallship #Vger #universal_rights #maddog

Well buoys and gulls, it has begun, the pendulum is beginning to swing back towards sanity. Wokesters are busy burying their communist uniforms in anticipation of arrest for their war crimes.

Holy fuckin' shit, Vera Farmiga is a full blown Baby Metal Maiden!

Here's she is covering Iron Maiden's "The Trooper", featuring Scott Ian of Anthrax on Bass.

#tallship #Vger #Iron_Maiden #The_Trooper #vera_farmiga #heavy_metal


Holy fuckin' shit, Vera Farmiga is a full blown Baby Metal Maiden!

Here's she is covering Iron Maiden's "The Trooper", featuring Scott Ian of Anthrax on Bass.

Had a drummer come in for an audition once back in college. He set up his kit, and then we chatted, and suggested doing a little bit of free form jamming to warm up before trying any material.

He said no, let's just play The Trooper by Maiden cold. So we obliged, he kicked ass, was way out of our lead, then without a word at the end of the song started packing up his kit and said to call him when we're ready.

I was dumbfounded, it was like being trolled, except he was serious. We invited him into the band on the spot.

Had a drummer come in for an audition once back in college. He set up his kit, and then we chatted, and suggested doing a little bit of free form jamming to warm up before trying any material.

He said no, let's just play The Trooper by Maiden cold. So we obliged, he kicked ass, was way out of our lead, then without a word at the end of the song started packing up his kit and said to call him when we're ready.

Here's something you don't see everyday.

And he did it with WAM (Walkin' Around Money)

#tallship #Vger #elon #twatter #shakeup

Here's something you don't see everyday.

And he did it with WAM (Walkin' Around Money)
It's bacon! It must be bacon!

Bacon! Bacon! Bacon!

Is it bacon yet? Hurry up I gotta pee!

Golly, I just love this little puppy, all excited with his puppy power abounding - then he'll scarf down everything in that dish and as soon as the food hits his belly and the blood goes there to facilitate digestion he'll pass out hard core when the puppy engine go's on night night power down.

Muahahahaha.... Puppy Power!

Oh look Ma.... You ever see so many sixes in your life?

I give a few of these away to my friends as a novelty gift. It's a (I think), failed attempt at a commerce coin on the Tron blockchain, and they were offering IIRC $200 worth of PHUCK if you were one of the first sites to integrate it as part of the payment options on your website for goods or services.

They never paid me, I think they tried to rebrand by launching on Ethereum, but where the heck could that go, with gas prices as high as $120 at times lolz?

anyway, I snatched up a few million of these coz I thought they were funny, it cost me like ten bucks at the time, now I dole them out in giveaways during my livestreams to teach people how to use crypto and how easy it is to do so in everyday commerce.

So if you want a few lemme know and shoot me your Tron addy with a note and I'll give a PHUCK, or two, or maybe a few lolz.

I give a few of these away to my friends as a novelty gift. It's a (I think), failed attempt at a commerce coin on the Tron blockchain, and they were offering IIRC $200 worth of PHUCK if you were one of the first sites to integrate it as part of the payment options on your website for goods or services.


Bitches be like, "I'm so devastated that my kardashian cash is no longer flowing for being a youtube or tiktok #camwhore, my crocodile tears are for real because I've lost my following now that western social networking is blocked....

Fuck you. Babies and innocent civilians are being #murdered by the people you consented to governing you... You're a piece of shit for being such a heartless, selfish narcissist - go back to being a prostitute instead... suck dick for your money like every other whore.

At least that's an honest and respected vocation while your bothers and cousins are out there raping Ukranian women, murdering and pillaging your neighbors...

Fuck you!

Bitches be like, "I'm so devastated that my kardashian cash is no longer flowing for being a youtube or tiktok #camwhore, my crocodile tears are for real because I've lost my following now that western social networking is blocked....
Question for the U.S. Communist in Chief - Joe Brandon....

What is the difference between (according to the U.S. State Department) "...diagnostic and biodefense laboratories..." and Bioweapons research facilities?

Answer: "I can haz ice cream?"

No! You no can haz ice cream!
Question for the U.S. Communist in Chief - Joe Brandon....

What is the difference between (according to the U.S. State Department) "...diagnostic and biodefense laboratories..." and Bioweapons research facilities?
If you would be so kind, Please #BOOST! People really need to see this...

The American people, and the world, are being lied to by the U.S. Government about the existence of the so-called bioweapons labs in Ukraine.

2010: The Press Office of the U.S. Department of Defense celebrates the opening of the ICRL in Odessa, Ukraine (a Level-3 Bioweapons Laboratory), whose mission it is to work on horrific bioterror pathogens such as hemorrhagic fever, Q-virus, anthrax, tularemia, and other potentially extinction capable biological agents.

"This laboratory was reconstructed and technically updated up to the BSL-3 level through a cooperative agreement between the United States Department of Defense and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine that started in 2005. The collaboration focuses on preventing the spread of technologies, pathogens, and knowledge that can be used in the development of biological weapons."

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. Biosecurity Challenges of the Global Expansion of High-Containment Biological Laboratories: Summary of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

This information has been completely scrubbed and deleted from U.S. Government websites over the past few days, and last I checked, is down at this time, but (The Wayback Engine) still contains actively archiived pages of government websites with the evidential pages - they haven't gotten to the "Internet Archive" yet.

Below is the full text from the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine from the National Academies Press website - you can read below or you can even download the official PDF containing the chapter below, the link to download is at the very end of this post.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

| Article Follows |



Olena Kysil1,2, Serhiy Komisarenko1
1Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and
2National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Ukraine

What high-containment biological (high BSL) laboratories exist in your country? What are the facilities’ main goals and priorities?

There are over 4,000 registered microbiological laboratories in Ukraine, but only 2 of them have a permit to work with microorganisms of the first pathogenic group, 402 laboratories have a permit to work with the microorganisms of the second pathogenic group, and all others are allowed to work only with microorganisms of the third and forth pathogenic groups. Here it is necessary to note that the classification of pathogenic organisms and therefore classification of the laboratories in Ukraine differs from the international one. It is inverted (i.e., in Ukraine “one” is the highest risk and “four” is the lowest risk) and also has some additional differences. That is why when speaking about high-containment laboratories according to Ukraine’s official classification we need to consider the laboratories that have a permit to work with the microorganisms of the first and the second pathogenic groups. At the same time it is not possible to say that a laboratory that has a permit to work with microorganisms of the first pathogenic group in Ukraine is equivalent to an international BSL-4 lab or that one working with microorganisms of the second pathogenic group is equivalent to a BSL-3 lab.

According to the available data, there are no laboratories in Ukraine that fulfill BSL-4 requirements. One of the laboratories that has a permit to work with the microorganisms of the first pathogenic group did, however, recently undergo an international audit as a BSL-3 laboratory and received a preliminary positive evaluation. This is one of the laboratories of the SI (State Institution) “Ukrainian I. I. Mechnikov Anti-Plague Research Institute” of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (Odessa), which is responsible for the identification of especially dangerous biological pathogens. This laboratory was reconstructed and technically updated up to the BSL-3 level through a cooperative agreement between the United States Department of Defense and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine that started in 2005. The collaboration focuses on preventing the spread of technologies, pathogens, and knowledge that can be used in the development of biological weapons. The updated laboratory serves as Interim Central Reference Laboratory with a depozitarium (pathogen collection). According to Ukrainian regulations, it has a permit to work with both bacteria and viruses of the first and second pathogenic groups. A second laboratory of the SI “Ukrainian I. I. Mechnikov Anti-Plague Research Institute” of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine also has a permit to work with microorganisms of the first pathogenic group, but it is not updated to the BSL-3 level. This laboratory works only with the especially dangerous infections of bacterial etiology. The third laboratory upgraded to the BSL-3 level belongs to the Central Sanitary Epidemiological Station of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. This laboratory was updated within the State program and the above-mentioned cooperative agreement between Ukraine and the United States. It has a permit to work with microorganisms of the second pathogenic group and is intended for work with especially dangerous infections.

According to the information received from the Central Regime Commission, the main authority that is responsible for the registration of microbiological laboratories in Ukraine, among the 402 laboratories that have permits to work with microorganisms of the second pathogenic group, 37 are subordinate to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Out of these 37 laboratories, 6 laboratories belong to research institutions, and therefore their main goals are scientific and practical investigations, while 31 laboratories belong to the Sanitary Epidemiological Service of Ukraine. These 31 laboratories are responsible for epidemiological and diagnostic investigations. Three hundred sixty two laboratories that have a permit to work with microorganisms of the second pathogenic group are subordinate to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine. Out of them, 358 laboratories are responsible for diagnostic investigations,

Page 172
Suggested Citation:"E7: Ukraine." National Academy of Sciences and National Research Council. 2012. Biosecurity Challenges of the Global Expansion of High-Containment Biological Laboratories: Summary of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13315.×

Page 173
Suggested Citation:"E7: Ukraine." National Academy of Sciences and National Research Council. 2012. Biosecurity Challenges of the Global Expansion of High-Containment Biological Laboratories: Summary of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/13315.×

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2012. Biosecurity Challenges of the Global Expansion of High-Containment Biological Laboratories: Summary of a Workshop. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
If you would be so kind, Please #BOOST! People really need to see this...

The American people, and the world, are being lied to by the U.S. Government about the existence of the so-called bioweapons labs in Ukraine.
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