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Holy fuckin' shit, Vera Farmiga is a full blown Baby Metal Maiden!

Here's she is covering Iron Maiden's "The Trooper", featuring Scott Ian of Anthrax on Bass.

#tallship #Vger #Iron_Maiden #The_Trooper #vera_farmiga #heavy_metal




Had a drummer come in for an audition once back in college. He set up his kit, and then we chatted, and suggested doing a little bit of free form jamming to warm up before trying any material.

He said no, let's just play The Trooper by Maiden cold. So we obliged, he kicked ass, was way out of our lead, then without a word at the end of the song started packing up his kit and said to call him when we're ready.

I was dumbfounded, it was like being trolled, except he was serious. We invited him into the band on the spot.

Had a drummer come in for an audition once back in college. He set up his kit, and then we chatted, and suggested doing a little bit of free form jamming to warm up before trying any material.

He said no, let's just play The Trooper by Maiden cold. So we obliged, he kicked ass, was way out of our lead, then without a word at the end of the song started packing up his kit and said to call him when we're ready.

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