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Oh look Ma.... You ever see so many sixes in your life?
1 comment

I give a few of these away to my friends as a novelty gift. It's a (I think), failed attempt at a commerce coin on the Tron blockchain, and they were offering IIRC $200 worth of PHUCK if you were one of the first sites to integrate it as part of the payment options on your website for goods or services.

They never paid me, I think they tried to rebrand by launching on Ethereum, but where the heck could that go, with gas prices as high as $120 at times lolz?

anyway, I snatched up a few million of these coz I thought they were funny, it cost me like ten bucks at the time, now I dole them out in giveaways during my livestreams to teach people how to use crypto and how easy it is to do so in everyday commerce.

So if you want a few lemme know and shoot me your Tron addy with a note and I'll give a PHUCK, or two, or maybe a few lolz.

I give a few of these away to my friends as a novelty gift. It's a (I think), failed attempt at a commerce coin on the Tron blockchain, and they were offering IIRC $200 worth of PHUCK if you were one of the first sites to integrate it as part of the payment options on your website for goods or services.

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