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3 posts total

The whole Fedora not shipping a working screen reader for almost a decade and then leftists saying "say it nicely or its not constructive" is wild to me.
I know ableism is pretty common on the left but to see it play put on Mastodon by people who clearly have an understanding of systemic issues that impact oppressed people is very sad.


All I'm saying if this wasn't about disabled people you wouldn't be out there tone policing you'd be loudly clapping saying yeah get em. We need the same energy for ableism. Less of this respectability bullshit. It's how things get buried – it should be socially unacceptable to be get away with something like this like it would if someone was shouting that the Fedora project introduced barriers that blocked other historically oppressed groups for 9 years...


Ableism is tech bros ignoring disabled people unless they can use us as a gimmick to show how their AI bullshit will save us.
Reminds me of what Liz Jackson talks about "disability dongles" stuff that doesn't make disabled people's lives better but just serves to make people seem altruistic – saviourism as advertisment.


What we need is to humanise disabled people in tech because these situations come about when people see disabled people as the consumer, the receivers of help, to be saved with no agency.

Try looking at your workplace, do disabled people work there in the proportion that they exist in the population (20+%?).
Are disabled people in all levels of seniority? Are they paid fairly? Do they stick around the same amount of time as non-disabled people.

We live in a time where fundamental basic workers rights are revolutionary because the main thing that needs to change is how we think about disabled people.

What we need is to humanise disabled people in tech because these situations come about when people see disabled people as the consumer, the receivers of help, to be saved with no agency.

Try looking at your workplace, do disabled people work there in the proportion that they exist in the population (20+%?).
Are disabled people in all levels of seniority? Are they paid fairly? Do they stick around the same amount of time as non-disabled people.

JW Prince of CPH

@nickcolley There's an expression in Danish, "Hat Lady Charity" - the kind extended by ladies in fancy hats to make themselves feel & look good, regardless whether it's actually helpful to anyone or not.


I specialise in the intersection between design and development but it seems like those jobs are few and far between so considering my options: look for more full stack roles (I've not met actually full stack people mainly backend devs who begrudgingly do frontend) or move more into interaction design / UX sort of role. The latter feels more attractive but often is gatekept by requiring things like a portfolio which leaves me in an odd position with lots of experience but feeling sort of lost.


If you are looking for a very experienced frontend developer who is also great at design feel free to message me.

I have 10 years of experience from agency/consultancy work in smaller private companies to large public sector organisations.



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