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What we need is to humanise disabled people in tech because these situations come about when people see disabled people as the consumer, the receivers of help, to be saved with no agency.

Try looking at your workplace, do disabled people work there in the proportion that they exist in the population (20+%?).
Are disabled people in all levels of seniority? Are they paid fairly? Do they stick around the same amount of time as non-disabled people.

We live in a time where fundamental basic workers rights are revolutionary because the main thing that needs to change is how we think about disabled people.


I saw an interview with the guy who runs ChatGPT and it's like hearing from Elon Musk all over again.
I think anyone who can become a billionaire has unresolved issues because it requires being unsatisfied with having more money than you'd ever need.
I don't want people who are deeply unhappy chasing a, pointless to them, surplus of money with power and influencing the general population. They are a symptom of the problem not an example of success.

Elias Probst

@nickcolley we should limit the amout of wealth a single person can amass. At some point, let's say 25 Million €/$, everything will be taxed at 100% and an award titled "I made it, I'm a rich-ass motherfucker" personally signed by the country's minister of finance will be handed out as a token of appreciation for from now on, contributing so much (financially) to the tax system.


@eliasp I agree and they should have therapy as well


@nickcolley @eliasp
God, yes, forreal. Amassing that much money is no freaking better than any other kind of hoarding.

marcus 😷🧂

@eliasp @nickcolley OMG, yes. I had the same thought a while ago.
They can also get a nice, well made card for their wallet and then they can pretend they're paying for access in a very exclusive club instead of taxes.

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