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17 posts total
Steven Feldman

Maps in the Wild: Paris, immersive experience: Simon Landauer shared this picture from an immersive experience in Paris

MapsintheWild Paris, immersive experience

Steven Feldman

So much @geomob goodness coming up in the next few months - Lisbon, Barcelona, Berlin, Edinburgh, Leuven and London

Our Geomob family is growing with new communities in Edinburgh and Leuven

You really want to get to one of these.

Steven Feldman

The first @osgeouk newsletter will be flying through the ether to your inbox next week. Want to find out what's happening in open source geo in the UK and further afield? Sign up at

cc @osgeo

Steven Feldman

I’m blown away by the wonderful community here.

I reached out a few hours ago asking for help/intros re navigation for the visually impaired.

You’ve boosted me hundreds of times and as a result I’ve had a dozen or more suggestions/contacts to follow up. Thanks everyone

Steven Feldman

I'd like to make contact with someone who knows about pedestrian navigation for the visually impaired. Can anyone intro me? If not pls boost to your networks

Steven Feldman

James starts #geomob off talking about Terra Draw

Steven Feldman

We recorded the Christmas Chaos edition of the #geomobpod last night. Here’s a tiny clip to whet your appetite until we publish on 26/12

Who said this to who and why?

Steven Feldman

#GeoMob finale @derickr @harry_wood talking about pubs with the same name that are in close proximity to each other. Classic #GeoMob geeky fodder

Steven Feldman

#foss4guk2023 Programme for London now published

If you want to be in on the unconference bit, get there early

See you there on 7th September?

Steven Feldman

Are you coming to #foss4guk2023 ?

The t-shirt is now available to order for only £10 + P&P at

You are going to want one of these

Steven Feldman

We need a couple of volunteers to help run #foss4guk2023 Local at the London venue

It won't require much, a bit like a #geomob event but all day and with some keynotes streamed in.

Ping me if you would like to help

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