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Barry Rowlingson

@stevenfeldman I'm impressed by the £1m turnover. Not so much with the £30m loss though.

Vincent Picavet

@geospacedman @stevenfeldman Running a lawyer-based company can be pretty costly these days… #inflation #explosion 🎈 🎊 🍿

Steven Feldman

@geospacedman I would not be surprised if the £1m is a rounding error (rounding up)

Terence Eden

I'll buy it. Do you reckon they'll do part exchange for an old Ford Cortina?

Steven Feldman

@pointlessone the suggestion that “it’s a little bit broken” implies some change, more like it was flawed from day one

Garry Keenor

counterpoint: w3w is problematic and shouldn't be allowed to flourish or dominate. @Edent has a whole article on why at

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