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Eugen Rochko

@nymph @shesgabrielle @laser @Pixley I don't understand why you think this response is appropriate when you yourself is just a random person I don't know and could be asked the same question.

Either way it's not a new feature and you can ask your admin to change the default easily. My warning stands: Even if it removes your own pages from Google, it won't hide the text you wrote from Google in all cases because of boosts and replies.

Eugen Rochko

@LuigiEsq @Blakely What can I do about that though? Do you want better handling of typos, or a synonym dictionary?

Eugen Rochko

@LuigiEsq @Blakely Luigi, you can already do that? It's radtown's search that doesn't work.

Eugen Rochko

@laser @Pixley It's already up to server admins but please do not rely on it to post stuff that could affect your relationship with your employer. You don't know if all search engines respect the opt-out, you don't know if someone's gonna see it on a public timeline, or through a boost on someone else's page, or in a thread somewhere. Please use the followers-only visibility option, it solves most problems bar personal snitching.

Eugen Rochko

A while ago I asked my patrons what features they'd like to see in future Mastodon releases. Now, I'd like to ask you, my followers. I'd like to hear what people outside of GitHub think.


Eugen Rochko

@Savil Unfortunately I do not have any convenient ways of using such donations to pay for things in Germany.

Eugen Rochko

@norikawa Which changes are you talking about? Also are you sure your data didn't get breached somewhere? Check

Eugen Rochko

@BrauchC Ein Klick auf den Kreis neben einer Antwort bei Erstellung einer Umfrage lässt mehrere Antworten wählen lassen

Eugen Rochko

It's a rhetorical question it's just tip of the day or whatever

Eugen Rochko

Did you know that you can create multiple choice polls in Mastodon by clicking on the circles next to options (turning them to squares) when drafting the poll?

Eugen Rochko

@lyon Finally someone recognized the reference

Joshua Hastings

@Gargron I have been thinking about implementing one for a community organization. However I’m scared it may be to complex. Suggestions?

Eugen Rochko

So Gab has decided that their own code that they spent $5M of investor money developing is so unsalvageably bad that they're going to use Mastodon's code instead, with the added bonus of leeching off of our apps (with Gab apps being banned from app stores)

This is an early warning to fellow admins to be vigilant and domain-block them on sight, when/if they appear (unconfirmed whether they intend to federate), and to app devs to consider if blocking Gab's domains from their app is necessary.

Alex Esc.

@Gargron Why didn't no one thought of that before ! /s


@Gargron What I wouldn't do to peak into your email and see all the weird shit people probably say to you all day. I imagine it's businesses trying to get you to do free work for them. Or maybe it's a single person asking you to fix their iphone.

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