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Eugen Rochko

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Eugen Rochko

Has anyone here used Shop & Ship before? I've ordered something through it and instantly felt like I made a huge mistake, but couldn't cancel my order.

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@Gargron I've not used them myself, but a few others at my work place have, and all of them were complaints of delays and missing shipments :/

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ben moore

@Gargron sleep disrupters should've gone to hell 🔥


@Gargron have you given midlake a listen listen to trials of van occupanther

Eugen Rochko

Kind of disappointing that there's no point to me saying who my artists of the decade were because everyone already knows what I'm going to say anyway

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@Gargron if there’s one thing i’ve learned from following you, it’s that you are a huge beyonce fan.

G. Love

@Gargron - HeavyDevy do we need anyone else? While I love where he is I miss the days of SYL. Either case all of it is genius!

witchlectical runeterialist

@Gargron its ok we all know you're a big post malone fan you dont need to say it!

Eugen Rochko

Got a report that the #Finnish translation of Mastodon had some inaccuracies (presumably machine-translated by someone), if anyone who speaks 🇫🇮 wants proofreader privileges on Crowdin, let me know



@Gargron Join the Don’t Marry Movement

3 main points:

-Never legally marry an American woman
-Never have children with an American woman
-If you are married to an American woman, never buy a house so she cannot steal it from you in divorce

Manifesto here:

Eugen Rochko

Without @cosmicevan's toot yesterday I actually wouldn't have scrolled that far in Spotify and found the Violet album of The Dear Hunter... Had no idea it was there

attention! murder has been me!

@gargron @cosmicevan all of The Color Spectrum is amazing but Violet IN PARTICULAR!

When it first came out everyone was talking about how it seemed like a musical so I actually came up with a storyline for the four songs. Then I never got around to writing it up.

Eugen Rochko

Things I wanna see in 2020: More than 5K servers, more than 5M users, more than 1M monthly active users, more artists and musicians, more journalists, and for more people to use the goddamn #caturday hashtag when posting cats on a saturday

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