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4 posts total
Luna :circleA:

SafetyNet for websites?! Can't wait to be locked out of browsing 90% of the web for using Linux

Luna :circleA:

The GNU Image Manipulation Program may have many issues but it is the only graphics software which had furry porn on their splash screen for a year

Luna :circleA:

By the way, if you want to pre-emptively block Facebook, the URL for their instance will be , alternatively (found it by accident lol)

Luna :circleA:

(#fediblock - forgot to add it! please see above post)

wakest ⁂

@luna oh wow I didnt realize the url was live! shit this is happening sooner then I expected

Luna :circleA:

Boost to pet the cat but the cat doesn't hate screen reader users

Luna :circleA:

(part 2 because it's going around again and the last one was on .lol)

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