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1,311 posts total

@mudasobwa Pizza Tower is as straight as me... Great picture, by the way.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

There are not many Cupras in Italy and people are wondering which made me first think I have a broken wheel or an open gas tank.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

— А Мурку можешь?
— У меня лапки.
— Рамзан.
— Да.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

The traffic jam in Italy starts with 14+ cars.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

FYI: the assessment of Michelangelo’s David in Google is 4.7 out of 5.

Some people seem to know what the real demand for works of art is.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

When your coat of arms is Three kitties under the fly agarics.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

The beautiful lift machine and a grave of some kind of a dauber.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

There were very few buildings which made me “vow,” but Duomo in Florence is surely one of them.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Театр Драматической Разницы

Aleksei � Matiushkin

El pie romano, o pes, equivalía, como media, a 29,57 cm; el pie carolingio, anteriormente denominado pie drusiano o drúsico —pes drusianus—, equivalía a nueve octavos del romano, esto es, aproximadamente, 33,26 cm; y el pie castellano equivalía a 27,8635 cm.

That said, the British foot—which is 30.48 cm—is longer than both feet Mediterranean.

Андрей Чесноков

@mudasobwa Херасе, гиганты. У меня классический 42й,- 27,5 см.🤦‍♂️

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