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23 posts total

Happy #Caturday! This photo is from 4 years and 1 day ago, when Doris arrived here: here she is surveying her new territory, somewhat furtively. Since then, she has become a lot more comfortable here.
#catsofmastodon #Cativitypub


This is thoughtful design: Muji apparently released a flashlight that works with any combination of 2 AA and 2 AAA batteries, only more dimly with fewer batteries.

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@acb hi my name is graceful degradation

Chris P. 🍋

@acb Panasonic has a flashlight that will work with one D, C, AA, or AAA battery.

Jacek Wesołowski

@acb Feels a lot like the stuff we routinely do in programming, because when we don't there's a crash to desktop and customers start demanding refunds.

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