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This is thoughtful design: Muji apparently released a flashlight that works with any combination of 2 AA and 2 AAA batteries, only more dimly with fewer batteries.

Dave Fischer

@acb I like that this air traffic control display has two separate power inputs for more/less important components, but... the terminology seems unhelpful.

Blake Leonard I've always assumed that things that "require" X many batteries of X type are depending on all batteries to complete the circuit, not to mention the specific voltages of certain types of batteries. If that is true there's probably a way around it and that's probably what they did -- it's probably more components though and therefore more costly (although, to be fair, it's probably pennies on the dollar per hundred units or whatever).

Ari SunDog ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒžโ™พ๏ธ

@acb I had no idea about this concept and now I am intrigued. It seems like this type of design could work in a lot of other systems, not just machines and computers. Like, say, society or infrastructure or even housing. Hmmmmโ€ฆ thanks!

Ciarรกn Ferrie

@arisummerland @acb Personally speaking, I feel like I've being gracefully degrading for years ๐Ÿ˜


@ccferrie @arisummerland @acb not everyone is as fancypantsy as you!

We ordinary people just can't afford the "gracefully" part.

Juno Jove

@acb Admittedly, the flashlight will shine with the same intensity whether you run it with a single AA or a single AAA battery.

It just won't shine as long.

That said, a 1.5V bulb isn't that bright; which is why usually you have multiple batteries in series.


@acb hi my name is graceful degradation

Chris P. ๐Ÿ‹

@acb Panasonic has a flashlight that will work with one D, C, AA, or AAA battery.

Jacek Wesoล‚owski

@acb Feels a lot like the stuff we routinely do in programming, because when we don't there's a crash to desktop and customers start demanding refunds.

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