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38 posts total
BadExampleMan 🟣

He does not seem bothered by this heat even with all that fur. #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

BadExampleMan 🟣

He used to be solid black up top. Then he got shaved because he was all matted. The sides are growing back sort of a smoke grey. #CatsOfMastodon

BadExampleMan 🟣

#Caturday has arrived but I have no new pictures of my clowder to share. So please enjoy this Green Sea Turtle instead, from Punalu'u Beach, Hawaii. (Missing alt text: a large sea turtle resting on a black sand beach at the edge of the surf.)

BadExampleMan 🟣

Charlemagne was getting tired of having his picture taken. #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

BadExampleMan 🟣

She'd be perfectly happy if everyone in the world would die and never bother her again - as long as there was someone to still feed her. #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

BadExampleMan 🟣

Charlemagne was out late Friday night, partying with our block's feral clowder. #hangover #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

BadExampleMan 🟣

Some cats, they get a haircut and there's nothing left; their bulk was all fur. Not so Charlemagne (electric mandolin for scale). #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

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