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34 posts total
BadExampleMan 🟣

has arrived but I have no new pictures of my clowder to share. So please enjoy this Green Sea Turtle instead, from Punalu'u Beach, Hawaii. (Missing alt text: a large sea turtle resting on a black sand beach at the edge of the surf.)

BadExampleMan 🟣

Charlemagne was getting tired of having his picture taken.

BadExampleMan 🟣

She'd be perfectly happy if everyone in the world would die and never bother her again - as long as there was someone to still feed her.

BadExampleMan 🟣

Charlemagne was out late Friday night, partying with our block's feral clowder.

BadExampleMan 🟣

Some cats, they get a haircut and there's nothing left; their bulk was all fur. Not so Charlemagne (electric mandolin for scale).

BadExampleMan 🟣

Belated shot of Houdini requesting more outside time, so he can sneak up onto the roof. Again.

BadExampleMan 🟣

Charlie with his new haircut enjoying his new heated bed. (I didn't want to shave him in winter but he was completely matted. And we won't even mention the klingon situation.)

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