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David Slifka

How to Leave X

Some of the best tips I've seen for transitioning to Mastodon.

Don't delete your X account; instead go Mastodon-first, meaning:
1. Open Mastodon before X
2. Post new content to Mastodon before X
3. Engage replies on Mastodon before X
4. Keep using X but as a lurker; reply less, follow less.
5. Post teasers on X ("My thoughts on ABC are posted on Mastodon. Username in bio.")
6. Occasionally post on X that you're now on Mastodon, otherwise your absence is less noticed.

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@davidslifka I spend most of my time on x blocking ads. That should be one of your steps.


@davidslifka 7. Don't bring the lame-os and bots that are plauging twitter over here, let them go to threadz or whatever instead or just stay on the x

David Slifka

My latest thoughts on the open social web (a term that includes the fediverse but also e.g. BlueSky/AT), and how to maximize its odds of success.

TLDR: Serious marketing, funding for lots of projects, and a full-featured Twitter competitor yesterday!


teledyn đ“‚€


In my experience it is much simpler yet more difficult: #fediverse needs more celebrity endorsements.

There was great positive advance in certain circles when folks like @georgetakei took a keen interest and involved themselves in the community, we need more of this in more domains.

Of course, big social reopening their API's would help too, us AND them!

@spreadmastodon @fediversereport

Bob Wyman

@davidslifka @spreadmastodon You wrote: "neither philanthropic nor for-profit investment has begun to flow." However, Jack Dorsey recently announced $5 million in bounties that would be awarded to Nostr developers. The result was an almost immediate and dramatic increase in developer activity.

**Money talks.**

@davidslifka @spreadmastodon You wrote: "neither philanthropic nor for-profit investment has begun to flow." However, Jack Dorsey recently announced $5 million in bounties that would be awarded to Nostr developers. The result was an almost immediate and dramatic increase in developer activity.

**Money talks.**

Johannes Ernst

@davidslifka @spreadmastodon I came across this fascinating piece on structural problems of the women’s liberation movement from the early 1970s these past few days. Many of its insights are directly applicable to the fediverse. I wonder whether we will apply its lessons.

David Slifka

Hi @Joaquincastrotx Hi Congressman, glad you’re here!

Your colleague @RepShontelBrown verified her Mastodon profile via That ensures it’s you and not a good-looking impostor.

If you’re interested, her digital team could probably help, or volunteers at @spreadmastodon can as well.

Background info here:

David Slifka

Critical government communications can’t depend on walled gardens.

National Weather Service needs to join the #fediverse.

(Edit: Tell them at Thanks @alex for the tip!)

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hackbyte (friendica)
@davidslifka @alex @gbhnews again a perfect argument for having your own servers. ;)

@davidslifka @alex

Yes the National Weather Service needs to join the fediverse.

I will tell them at

Sincerely, Monica Andrews



⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️

Let the Streisand Effect begin!

AJ Sadauskas

@davidslifka What's not mentioned in the article is exactly what part of Twitter's code was in the GitHub repository.

It could have been some part of the code base that had already been open sourced previously.

Or it could have been a repo for code that employees were actively working on, when they were suddenly and unexpectedly fired.

With the institutional knowledge that Twitter has haemorrhaged, there's no way for them to know.

Elon is assuming that there's malicious intent, because that's what he's assumed since taking over. But that doesn't mean it's the case here.

@davidslifka What's not mentioned in the article is exactly what part of Twitter's code was in the GitHub repository.

It could have been some part of the code base that had already been open sourced previously.

Or it could have been a repo for code that employees were actively working on, when they were suddenly and unexpectedly fired.

David Slifka

What do we as the fediverse community need to accomplish in order to scale by 10x or 100x?

After conversations with so, so many amazing people working to make this happen, I took a shot at making a list.

I hope it's a useful resource for people looking to get involved, and also to promote discussion and collaboration.

Mike McCue

@davidslifka wow this is an impressive summary and I just love how you've linked in ways for people to collaborate on each area. Blown away by the level of joint thinking and collaboration that is going into making the fediverse happen.



Is that sort of scaling a consensus ambition?

David Slifka

The fediverse has come this far despite being very capital-constrained.

What if that constraint were lifted?

If you have a project or idea (for- or non-profit) that helps build or grow the fediverse and would benefit from funding, I hope you'll apply here. Thank you!

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