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David Slifka

How to Leave X

Some of the best tips I've seen for transitioning to Mastodon.

Don't delete your X account; instead go Mastodon-first, meaning:
1. Open Mastodon before X
2. Post new content to Mastodon before X
3. Engage replies on Mastodon before X
4. Keep using X but as a lurker; reply less, follow less.
5. Post teasers on X ("My thoughts on ABC are posted on Mastodon. Username in bio.")
6. Occasionally post on X that you're now on Mastodon, otherwise your absence is less noticed.

Lorq Von Ray

@davidslifka Good advice, which also works for Facebook as well. Thanks!

Karl Schwartz, Artist advocate


I don't know but assume that advertisers pay X based on the number of accounts.

If I have that right, remaining on #twitter / X in any capacity supports #Musk financially.

Jonathan Glick

@lymphomation Generally, advertisers pay by ad views or ad clickthroughs.

:xmpp: MobileAmphiHome

Point 7. Read stuff like this, miss your old known hate bubble and kill the internet 😂
@lymphomation @davidslifka

Delta Wye

@davidslifka Will X ban or suspend accounts that mention Mastodon? I thought they did that, at least in the past.


@davidslifka What about those that rely on ads? They won’t

Richard A.

@davidslifka I always said "For the negative me stay on Twitter, for the positive me come to Mastodon."


That's fucking stupid. Who the fuck made you Buddha. Leave X and don't lurk. WTF are you a peeping tom.


@GatekeepKen @davidslifka Look, just because you are a rip the bandaid off quickly sort doesn't mean that everyone is. Make the transition easier, more people will make the shift. Insulting people for giving some advice that might work is the sort of counterproductive post that might put a new person off Mastodon.



Been on Mastodon for almost a year now and so far I have only seen one or two Trump or MAGA Nazis, lets hope it stays this way. #Trump #MAGA #Nazi


@davidslifka i did this for awhile, but it is draining and hard on one's mental health as there is now no limit on hate speech. If you're LGBTQ it's toxic, and I'd imagine the same applies to POC and many other groups


I thought they banned the use of the name Mastodon. I know for awhile, they made people remove the name Mastodon or remain suspended.


Yes. They deleted links to Mastadon. NNot sure if the policy changed but I doubt it.@davidslifka

Tracy Thomas

@davidslifka I’ve done 1 through 4, but haven’t logged on to X for weeks now. I have left my handle here in my profile there.

Stephanie Moore

@davidslifka I also turned off notifications for Twitter. And then I removed it from my phone entirely and only used it on my desktop. In just a few weeks for me, I stopped using Twitter altogether and felt healthier for it, too.

Brendan Jones

7. Put your Mastodon user name in your Twitter bio and/or name so that people can find you here on Mastodon with

yakkoj 🦊

@davidslifka it works well for those who still have a major presence on that site. For me, I had only 80 followers or so, and the bulk of them gave up while it was a somewhat-functional twitter.

So rather than wasting months trying to delete tens of thousands of posts, I just deleted the account last year as soon as E.M. bought the thing.

Different strokes for different folks...

Atle Frenvik Sveen


How i quit Facebook: deleted my account, left all the idiots behind

How I quit Instagram: deleted my account, left a post saying: "this service has become too stupid"

How I quit twitter: just stopped using the thing



Excellent advice! I opened my Mastodon account last fall & was using it full-time by New Years.
I left my X account open & pinned a tweet with my new Mastodon info.
Last month I deleted my X account & the app from my phone. There’s a 30-day waiting period & if you go on during that time your delete is cancelled.
Odd thing that happened a few months after ghosting X is even though I never opted in for X notifications, I started receiving X notifications anyway!

Motorisms 🚘

@davidslifka But there's more traffic on X, and I always try to drive wherever there's more traffic.

Kid Mania

I dunno. I often find myself returning to this thought:

"If you’re still on Twitter/X does that mean you’re a fascist?
No, of course not.
It just means fascism isn’t a deal breaker for you."
- Aral Balkan



@clintruin @davidslifka @aral

fascism isn't a deal breaker
You're a fascist.

Life is rarely b&w. Its nice that this issue isn't.

Sir Farts Alot

@davidslifka I’ll tell you how to do it faster. Tweet that ‪tRUmp‬ should get the 440v hot seat for all the Americans he killed because of his botched job of handling the Covid-19 pandemic, piss off Elon and his army of AI Bot minions, and have your account permanently suspended. See how easy that was? Next issue!
And stop calling it X. That’s the polite name Elon wants you to use. Call it Xitter because that’s what it has become since Elon bought it and threw it into the Xitter.


@davidslifka I spend most of my time on x blocking ads. That should be one of your steps.

Григорий Клюшников

Dammit, I mute ads in hopes that they eventually run out of advertisers


@davidslifka 7. Don't bring the lame-os and bots that are plauging twitter over here, let them go to threadz or whatever instead or just stay on the x

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