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3 posts total
Erin Conroy

Politely (or impolitely) calling my senators and representatives & supposedly anti-fascist president to tell them, repeatedly, to stop backing a corrupt autocrat while he murders hundreds of children every week & conducts a genocide out in the open, & stop giving him tens of billions of $ in weapons to keep at it, makes me fucking miserable and depressed, how about you.

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They don't care. How many millions have you contributed/bundled? How many news networks do you control? I bet you aren't even a member at his country club.


Yup, literally miserable and depressed over here. 😕

Erin Conroy

It is extremely odd that tech journalists do not seem to have any idea of who exactly owns #bluesky

Even odder that they don’t care to find out and inform their readers.

Erin Conroy

This is such basic information that you & your readers need to know. Instead, the bulk of the pieces on Bluesky is vibes and predictive horse race hype that does not go beyond the surface at all.

Erin Conroy

Post has far too many red flags for me. Plus its explicit goal of capturing journalists' conversations in one silo creates dumb vulnerability for any democracy.

1) Post's major investor also invested in Musk's Twitter takeover. Just, no.
2) Post's founder, Noam Bardin's, views on content moderation are uninformed & crudely right-wing
3) The founders treat accessibility as an afterthought, denying that it is key to any democratic conversation.
4) tried to treat ultrarich as a protected class LOL

Erin Conroy

Bardin's recent self-serving remarks about better content moderation are belied by his own earlier snide comments deriding "pronouns" & "PC" speech. I don't trust him as an individual.

Taking major funding from one of the major funders of Musk's Twitter takeover, just because they're the first people to write a check god, such a failure on every level. It demonstrates just a breathtaking lack of serious thinking about their endeavor. It's surprises me journalists would bite on that.

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