In today's picture: Corvus hawaiiensis (known as Hawaiian crow). #CORVUSPHERE #CorvusHawaiiensis #HawaiianCrow :crow: Oh, wow, looks like I'm gonna be hanging out quite some time there Наблюдая в автобусе как мужик, пытаясь смотреть Смешариков, стыдливо прячет экран, я думаю, что мы как общество свернули куда-то не туда. In non-CVE news, here's some fun hardware I got while visiting Hong Kong. It's not the snappiest laptop I've ever used, but it holds potential!
Kernel source is all public (there's a 6.1.y and 6.6.y tree at the moment), hopefully will start working on getting it all merged upstream to make it a proper platform for others to use. @askolock ну так неинтересно, репостить – так нормально! In today's picture: Corvus culminatus (known as Indian jungle crow). #CORVUSPHERE #CorvusCulminatus #IndianJungleCrow :crow: |
Wouldn't hurt to try