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587 posts total

Slowly doing the docs to my silly #c++ #lmdb abstraction layer library. My main concern was that #doxygen looked kinda oldish but look at that, that theme looks amazing (, i would even say #awesome! That's the theme name, by the way.

By the way, you could help me out with pretty much anything: docs, tests, packaging or even dipping me in my bad code, here is the git:


Mousier (the great developer behind #movim messenger) launched a new service ( and I'm happy to be on that list


Huh, my earphones plugged to the laptop catch some local radio but only if my elbow is on the wire. The music is distorted, ofc, but it's kinda fun to listen to it this way


Киберпанк который вы ожидали: развратившиеся капиталисты-либералы разбирают честных работяг на органы, но высокие технологии доступны в любой подворотне.
Киберпанк который вы получили: автократы-традиционалисты вычисляют с помощью нейросетей и камер индивидов, которые не носят их религиозную одежду; технологии до сих пор удел привелигированных групп


Whoa, it's the first time I see pasta machine. Or, shall I say Mamma Mia?)


We are in a completely empty apartment and went to buy essential things like set of forks, glasses, plates, cattle, trash bin. The first thing my Brazilian wife puts in the cart is the stuff to make coffee. It's really like that here - coffee is essential


Oh my, look at what we have here


I've been here for a while, but it seems the penny just have dropped today. I changed my computer timezone today, I'm here to stay


When the pandemic started I could go out like once a week or in two weeks, so I could wear one pair of socks technically for a month, cuz I would just wear them to go out. Now, since I go out mostly in flip flops, I have a feeling that I'm wearing the same pair of socks I was wearing last year


My wife gave me a huge chocolate easter egg, she says it's filled with some kind of cookie cream. Jeez, how do I even start eating it? It looks so lovely, and probably has more than a monthly doze of sugar, gonna turn into a fat borb


Международный фестиваль молодёжи... молодёжь перспектив в этой жизни ищет, и с горя пьёт не находя


Yeah... that's definitely too complex for one method


In about an hour and a half (13:30 UTC) I'm gonna start streaming my weekly #spacechirps show where I play #spaceengineers and mumble nonsense in my lousy English.
Come support me here (! and @vovanium have already joined the adventures, so can you, the server is public (or just type in the list of public servers)


This neighborhood is literally called Paradise, I'm starting to see why


Many researchers working on these systems think that we’re plunging toward a catastrophe, with more of them daring to say it in private than in public; but they think that they can’t unilaterally stop the forward plunge, that others will go on even if they personally quit their jobs. And so they all think they might as well keep going. This is a stupid state of affairs, and an undignified way for Earth to die, and the rest of humanity ought to step in at this point and help the industry solve its collective action problem.Кое-что напоминает, не правда ли?)

Many researchers working on these systems think that we’re plunging toward a catastrophe, with more of them daring to say it in private than in public; but they think that they can’t unilaterally stop the forward plunge, that others will go on even if they personally quit their jobs. And so they all think they might as well keep going. This is a stupid state of affairs, and an undignified way for Earth to die, and the rest of humanity ought to step in at this point and help the industry solve its...
metallcorn 🐧

@blue No hay ninguna posibilidad de eso, amigo mío.

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