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20 posts total

Aww poor diddums, had a rough day, and missed her daddy. Neesha got spayed today. I can see I'm stuck here a few hours. #catsofmastodon


Ahna standing guard while we're gardening. #catsofmastodon


More of Ahna and Neesha out and about today. #catsofmastodon


Neesha looking cute in every scruffy bit of the yard. #catsofmastodon


Ahna's digestion is working better. Still a bit too skinny for my liking, metabolic issue still not resolved, but my boosting her calories and vitamins is keeping her full of beans. #catsofmastodon


Neesha has gone from crazy with no attention span to inordinately fond of me. She basically stuck with me all day, and even brought me a pinecone, which she showcased for several minutes to make sure I noticed. #catsofmastodon


Just caught a hell of a backlit shot of Ahna with a 600mm telephoto outdoors. I was dialled in for some shots of swallows.

I wouldn't have got much better in a studio tbh. #catsofmastodon


Ahna was up to all sorts of mischief today. Still pulling those supermodel looks. #catsofmastodon


Dhurai's analysing smells face always looks like he's watching something shocking or realised some earth shattering revelation. Great Scott!!! 🀣 #catsofmastodon


When mom decides at two years old " You're not too big for a proper wash, young lady".. lol, the side-eye Ahna is giving me. #catsofmastodon


If you have been fully gainfully employed, a commuter, usual 9-5, and want to give yourself a culture shock about the prevalence of disease in your society, try this.

When you do get a day off. Go to town. Or city. Not the shiny expensive bits. In your usual working office hours. The old high streets. Now look around you, at people. Really look. The illness and disability and advanced decrepitude rate is staggering.

Society can separate you from seeing them by the social divide of a commute.


Then remember most vulnerable people, given a choice won't go out in a pandemic. Many are housebound. You're only seeing the walking disabled, the functional afflicted. There are many more.

Always remember when you work and commute, you only see half the people in the world. At best.

Things, are not ok.


It's really hot today, so Ahna is having a play in the shade of trees while Dhurai watches over her. #catsofmastodon


Ahna at the sniffing tree, and Neesha off out for a power walk. #catsofmastodon


Here you join us in the magical rainbow tunnel of random surprise attacks with Neesha and Ahna. I tend not to let them have it more than an hour because of the murdering. Yay I got colour into a cat photo 😁 #catsofmastodon


I was a bit tired to take the kids out today, but that doesn't mean games aren't available. It's a bit early in the day for Dhurai, he's happy enough to watch. His game is late night laser pens and duvet fighting. Ahna mostly wanted to be cuddled, on heat again, but she warms up with nightfall. I don't call her moonlight for nothing. But Neesha was on ferocious form, even on the bouncy bridge. #catsofmastodon


I don't care if somebody hand touches a print, I don't care if someone digitally enhanced anything much, because cameras still don't record reality accurately yet, you're always recording a subjective and relative form of reality that suits you, or you're just being passive and letting the camera basically fuck it up for you. It's ok to appreciate a camera fucked picture too.

The point is. If it works, it works. If it's working, that person is good at what they do.


An app adjusts and tweaks. A camera adjusts and tweaks. A photographer adjusts and tweaks. Studio equipment adjusts and tweaks.

Only one of those things makes anything work, and that's the photographer. They're good, or average, or bad. No app can fix that. Photography is a considered art.

Wanna be better and respectful? Ask a photographer what a decent fix for something you're unhappy with , is.

You can't unsuck by gatekeeping. Photos speak regardless.

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