`el.className` and `el.htmlFor` have such unusual names because `class` and `for` used to be reserved words in JS. That hasn't been true for property names for 10+ years.
Firefox is experimenting with adding `el.class` and `el.for`, yay!
@jaffathecake this year has been a succession of discoveries of stuff which I have believed is true for years (sometimes decades) and I have never revisited. Radix parameter to parseInt()? Not required. NodeLists don't have .forEach? Yes they do. Property names are allowed to be reserved words? This is the latest surprise. Next someone will tell me that with{} is OK or something
If you're having a rough day, remember that in 1991 Tim Berners-Lee's paper for the World Wide Web was rejected and he was relegated to the poster session.
Similarly, Tim Griffin's paper on giving a type to call/cc and the conclusion that call/cc implements Goedel's double-negation translation of classical logic into constructive logic was rejected from LICS, the top conference in Theoretical Computer Science.
His work has created a research industry that is still alive today, after 35 years, with thousands of papers.
He has the rejection letter hanging in a wall in his office.
LICS now has the "test of time award", but only for papers published in LICS.
They should also have test of time awards for papers that are rejected from LICS, so that something is learned from that.
Similarly, Tim Griffin's paper on giving a type to call/cc and the conclusion that call/cc implements Goedel's double-negation translation of classical logic into constructive logic was rejected from LICS, the top conference in Theoretical Computer Science.
His work has created a research industry that is still alive today, after 35 years, with thousands of papers.
since the thing isn't readable, and no one here is an expert on the state of the art then, hard to tell if this should or shouldn't have been a poster but why let facts spoil a snarky post ?
@matthiasott is on the bad@CSSpodcast this week, sharing what they still struggle with, AND we nerd out on **how much we adore the lack of control we have in web design**.
A often-heard complaint about View Transitions is how it handles clip-path, border-radius, opacity, …
The snapshots fade, while you’d want the clip-path to actually animate. Also, nested elements bleed out their container because the snapshots are a flat list instead of a nested tree.
🚀 Is the snappy thing snapped? Is the sticky item stuck? Oh, how I wanted to write that title! In this article, I'm taking a look at ⭐ state-queries in CSS ⭐ with some Pokemon themed demos.
LLM tools like ChatGPT and Claude makes the question of "Should designers code?" a funny one. These tools makes creating code trivially easy. In fact, you can create a functioning prototype of an idea in the time it would take you to draw 4 rectangles in Figma. I
There's also bonus Max in this video. I think he may be the distracting background I was warned about. He had been asleep in his hammock, which is just out of shot, and quietly emerged. Watch for the CSS, or the cat, or both!
✅ What makes good forms?
✅ Accessible name computation
✅ `display: contents`
✅ Why not only `p` elements are paragraphs in HTML as 😱
✅ Styleable selects in Chrome Canary
➕ New tools & more platform updates.
Safari just launched a major new CSS feature in Technology Preview. Here’s what it is, some things you can do with it, and how to use it today with a fallback.
When doing a performance trace with Chrome DevTools in Chrome Canary, it now shows you additional info for animations:
1. The animation name
2. The associated DOM node
3. Whether the animation could be composited or not and specifically why that is the case
This information was always there under the hood, but DevTools never surfaced it. Before you had to go through Chrome Histograms – or do a proper trace – in order to get this info.
Now, it’s just there. Very exciting 🤩
When doing a performance trace with Chrome DevTools in Chrome Canary, it now shows you additional info for animations:
1. The animation name
2. The associated DOM node
3. Whether the animation could be composited or not and specifically why that is the case
This information was always there under the hood, but DevTools never surfaced it. Before you had to go through Chrome Histograms – or do a proper trace – in order to get this info.
@mayank I'm not sure the pointerdown worked in some situations or was more trouble that it was worth. Anyway surely this should be fixed by now, it has worked in Safari Desktop for some time and 'light dismissal' is one of the key features of popover.
@jaffathecake this year has been a succession of discoveries of stuff which I have believed is true for years (sometimes decades) and I have never revisited. Radix parameter to parseInt()? Not required. NodeLists don't have .forEach? Yes they do. Property names are allowed to be reserved words? This is the latest surprise. Next someone will tell me that with{} is OK or something
@jaffathecake wow, thanks for sharing.