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Great statement at #blinkon by @cdub

"Chrome is the 4th browser I've worked on. They've all had majority market share. 2 of them don't even exist anymore. The web platform remains. It outlives browsers, engines, companies even."

Chris wilson presenting
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Rowan the Selfsame

@bkardell @cdub this is like saying "The ground will outlast any car we develop to drive on it."

Scott Knowles

@bkardell @cdub I started designing Web pages for government Websites using HTML 1 in 1995 for Mosaic and later Netscape.


4 years after Deno 1.0, the next generation of JavaScript is ready for production at scale.

Deno 2 is out today
🐢 Fully backwards compatible with Node and npm
📦 Package management and node_modules and package.json
📅 Long term support

#deno #node #javascript #typescript #webdevelopment


📣 PSA: `CSSNestedDeclarations` is coming to browsers to improve #CSS Nesting!

With this addition, declarations that come after style rules no longer shift up, among other improvements.


Available in Chrome 130 + Firefox 132 + Safari Technology Preview 204.


@bramus The title might need some text breaking…

Firefox 131 on Android 14 via a Google Pixel 7a. Will submit a proper bug report tomorrow if I remember.

Screenshot of a website with the title "CSSNestedDeclarations" extending off the screen.

@tylergaw RE:

Technically speaking the switch from the meta tag to the at-rule opt-in is not a breaking change because the meta tag (which was always described as a temporary thing) never shipped to stable.

It is expected from experimental features that they will change over time, until we (as in: the CSSWG) settle on a syntax that is acceptable to all vendors and is one that meets developer’s needs.


@tylergaw As for the `chrome://flags#view-transition` flag no longer being availble: because Same-Document View Transitions have shipped to stable a long time ago, the feature flag is no longer relevant and was therefore removed. You can expect the `chrome://flags#view-transition-on-navigation` flag to also disappear over time, as engineering cleans up code that is no longer necessary.

Tyler Gaw

@bramus Oh wow, I didn't put two and two together that the at-role was a replacement for the meta tag, gonna update the post with that. tyty Yeah, I understand the process. "breaking change" was just a bit more concise than; "if you're also a big nerd that's using very wip specs, your stuff no longer works and you need to update it for it to work"


Do I know someone here (who knows someone) that works on #Trello’s frontend?

We need to talk about an upcoming #CSS change that is shipping in Chrome (and other browsers) soon.

Slide in my DMs!


@bramus I'm not related to Trello but would you share what this is about since it's pregnant not just affecting Trello?

Dan Ryan :dryan:

@bramus I really appreciate the effort y’all are making to get the word out about this


If you are using `::selection` styles on your website, be sure to read this post.

Easiest way to understand the change is to try the included demo (which I provided) in Chrome 131 and compare that to the old situation.


The gist is that:

1. Highlight Styles now inherit _regular_ CSS properties through the pseudo highlight chain, rather than the element chain.

This means you can set `main::selection` to set highlight styles for `main` + all its descendants. Before it was only `main` that would get the styles.


What happens when companies pay to fund web platform features? The whole web community wins.

The latest from Igalia & Bloomberg: Inheritance changes for CSS selection styling


JUST ANNOUNCED at BlinkOn 19: Google is launching The Collective to Support Chromium—a place for organizations (including Google) to pool money and responsibility, housed at the Linux Foundation, that will be used to pay independent Chromium contributors. Formal announcement to come soon.


📣 PSA: `CSSNestedDeclarations` is coming to browsers to improve #CSS Nesting!

With this addition, declarations that come after style rules no longer shift up, among other improvements.


Available in Chrome 130 + Firefox 132 + Safari Technology Preview 204.


@bramus The title might need some text breaking…

Firefox 131 on Android 14 via a Google Pixel 7a. Will submit a proper bug report tomorrow if I remember.

Screenshot of a website with the title "CSSNestedDeclarations" extending off the screen.

Wow, look at this AMAZING Scroll-Driven Animations demo by Paul Noble!

Go check it out (and hit the ❤️ icon).


The first clever thing Paul is doing there is using an invisible scroller laid on top of the stack of cards.

This scroller is used as the scroll-timeline for the .card-stack.

Screenshot of the page with DevTools open, inspecting the .scroller element.
Andreas Schantl

@bramus Sadly it's only working in Chrome for me. Neither Firefox nor Safari seem to work.


I’m having fun building this `CSSRule` debugger to show you what goes on behind the scenes of a CSS engine.

Especially handy with `CSSNestedDeclarations` coming to the CSSOM in Chrome 130, Firefox 132, and (possibly) Safari 18.1.

Screenshot of Chrome 129, which does not have CSSNestedDeclarations support.
Screenshot of Chrome 130, which has CSSNestedDeclarations support.
Kilian Valkhof

@bramus Is there somewhere I can follow along with that? is CSSNestedDeclarations solely for that declaration-after-other-nesting situation?

That specificity attribute, is that a you-think or is that also coming natively?


📝 Feature detect Style Queries Support in CSS.

Awaiting browser support for `at-rule()`, here’s how you do it.

Promotional screenshot of the code explained in the post.

Very interesting proposal for sharing a single #CSS stylesheet across multiple declarative shadow roots without a FOUC.

Doug Parker

Overall, I'm on board with it sans some nitpicks I'll need to file issues about.

I hope reusing templates is out of the initial scope though, as the current state of HTML modules makes me think it's a bit premature to be going that direction just yet.


👀 Chromium Bug 40211832 “Implement at-rule for use with @​supports”

Status: New → Assigned

(This is great! See why you need this)


With @​property now being #Baseline, I thought it’d be a good time benchmark the impact – if any – it has on the performance of your CSS.


To measure this I built and open sourced the “CSS Selector Benchmark” project which I have been working on for some time now.

The test suite is powered by Chromium’s PerfTestRunner and Puppeteer.


ICYMI: Announcing BCD Watch - a way to keep track of new web development features and their browser support.

(Thrilled to have spent a little bit of time doing a quick re-design for the launch).


Progressive Enhancement is the best.

After adding a PE-capable feature like View Transitions all you have to do is sit back & relax while other browsers add support for it.

And once they do, all their users automatically get the enhanced experience.

What's not to like?! 🤩

Vadim Makeev

@bramus I had an impression today that auto View Transitions implementations are still not ready. I opened my website in Safari TP, and it was blinking weirdly during the transition. Not very usable, I’d say. Then I tried to compare it with how smoothly it works in Chrome, but it only worked in one of five navigations. Thankfully, not getting in the way of normal navigation. I guess it’s hard to do it right, and it will take some time to debug it.


"I wasted a day on CSS selector performance to make a website load 2ms faster" by @trys

This is one of the unfortunate things about the DevTools' "selector stats." It can really mislead you if you don't notice the text "(slow)" which _really_ means slow.

Nolan Lawson

Another issue I've noticed with "selector stats" is that it might give the impression that selector perf is all that matters for reducing style calculation costs. Whereas if your costs are due to CSS custom properties, or excessive numbers of stylesheets (e.g. this fun issue [1]), or something else during style recalc, you can end up chasing ghosts.

(That said, I *love* selector stats, and it has helped me debug some real perf issues! I am glad we have it!)


Another issue I've noticed with "selector stats" is that it might give the impression that selector perf is all that matters for reducing style calculation costs. Whereas if your costs are due to CSS custom properties, or excessive numbers of stylesheets (e.g. this fun issue [1]), or something else during style recalc, you can end up chasing ghosts.

Trys Mudford

@nolan I think the confusion comes from the expectations set by of all other performance profiling tools. We're used to Lighthouse and WPT being 'slow', but we know we can trust all their tables and graphs to be time-accurate.

This particular flavour of 'slow' needs a big ol' tooltip warning you which results are and aren't affected by the enforced slowness.


Totally loving the “scroll” badges
in #ChromeDevTools’s Elements panel.

Available in Chrome 130 which goes stable mid October.

Screenshot of Chrome DevTools showing scroll badges

This is very helpful when debugging Scroll-Driven Animations, as `scroll()` and friends by default look up the nearest ancestor scroller which you might have inadvertently created by using `overflow: hidden` somewhere.

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