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5 posts total
Mike Stern

We've updated the @figma iOS17 / iPadOS17 library to add support for text-only buttons and a few other minor fixes.

...and added a App Icon Production Template:

Mike Stern

Well, it's finally, finally happened. We've just shipped an Apple Design Resources design kit for Figma. iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 with more coming soon on


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Kory Garner

@stern Finally! Thank you. This will help so much.

sam henri gold @ config

@stern @figma I had a very level headed reaction to this news in our internal slack

Mike Stern

I was thinking today about all of the beautiful and innovative apps and games I’ve seen this year. Then I got to wondering which ones I've missed.

What have you seen that really knocked your socks off?

Todd Brooks

@stern none.
They are all boring anymore. There is nothing out there that I consider a must have

sam henri gold @ config

@stern I know it's an editors choice but Knotwords is so, so fun. Really nice haptics, cute animations, fun game loop. It's my go-to game when I'm traveling and don't have cell signal.

sam henri gold @ config

@stern Oh and Broadcasts ( I feel like streaming services have limited what I listen to down to algorithmic suggestions, so I've started listening to college radio while I work. This is the best way I've been able to collect and listen to my favorite stations; way cleaner than a bookmarks folder in my browser.

Mike Stern

Another significant set of updates to the Apple Design Resources went live today. Lots of improvements and additions to the main platform kits for Sketch and XD: Fixed layout issues, corrected colors, fixed resizing bugs, etc. A lot of the work was addressing feedback we've received through Feedback Assistant (thanks!)

We also updated the Technology kits to iOS 16 and iPhone 14 Pro dimensions and added a new kit for App Clips.


@stern this is amazing. Thank you so much! 🙏🏼

Richard Earney

@stern I know I say this every time. But Figma?

Mike Stern

We announced another week of Ask Apple today. It'll be next week (Dec 12-16) and will include Slack Q&As and Office Hours (1:1 consultations with Apple engineers and designers).

If you have any questions about Apple technologies or want to get feedback on your app, this is a great way to get some answers and guidance!

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