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4 posts total
Sue Smith

Nothing radicalises me more against the gatekeeping that is quite literally built into software engineering tooling than setting up local developer environments lol I had to do it this week and you better believe a blog post is incoming 😂

Sue Smith

As threatened, a post about learning, AI, and my favourite subject, gatekeeping 👾

Sue Smith

The year is 2025, there is now one social network for every twelve people in the world, each dedicated to discussing the other social networks that are available

Sue Smith

As the token poor kid who got to go to uni I can assure you the idea that policies like affirmative action lower standards is extremely hilarious. You want to see low standards? Surround yourself with the privileged LOL

Toot Suite, Rodney 💨

@sue I'll never forget the professor that restarted protools because he didn't know how to exit the state the program was in.

NotAMorningPerson (Richard)

@sue Fortunately, I studied a science subject as it's not an area the most privileged favour. They used to mock us as "ignorant whitecoats".

Jay Stephens

@sue impostor syndrome is so powerful tho. Thru uni & beyond I assumed I wasn't very good at life as fellow alumni with [money]+[connections]+[stable home life until adulthood] roared past me into dream jobs... & affirmative action can help with that too by foregrounding the reasons assistance is given.

Sue Smith

Bargain basement neuromancer reality strikes again 💩

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