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Sue Smith

As the token poor kid who got to go to uni I can assure you the idea that policies like affirmative action lower standards is extremely hilarious. You want to see low standards? Surround yourself with the privileged LOL

Toot Suite, Rodney 💨

@sue I'll never forget the professor that restarted protools because he didn't know how to exit the state the program was in.

NotAMorningPerson (Richard)

@sue Fortunately, I studied a science subject as it's not an area the most privileged favour. They used to mock us as "ignorant whitecoats".

Jay Stephens

@sue impostor syndrome is so powerful tho. Thru uni & beyond I assumed I wasn't very good at life as fellow alumni with [money]+[connections]+[stable home life until adulthood] roared past me into dream jobs... & affirmative action can help with that too by foregrounding the reasons assistance is given.

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