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sudo beep

@makeworld 🤩 at "full communism" in the middle

(I will not be hearing corrections)

Brad Rubenstein “:verified:”

This doesn't show the american fork, where we tried to merge the protestants, but there were too many conflicts.



Today I met a Toronto live coder who runs Orca workshops on Twitch! The next one is on Sunday, and you can see the first one in his VODs.


Oh I realized the website doesn't say, but it starts at 11 AM. Or 11:30? Not quite sure. I'll try and be in chat at 11 this Sunday.


Happy to see @compudanzas is updating their Uxn tutorial. Not sure if/when I'll get back into it, but enough has changed (and been forgotten by me) that I'll be sure appreciate the updated content. Thanks!


> There is only one action, appending. Don't try and organize things by topic as you would on a computer. This is not a computer, this is paper. Paper works best when you append only. There is only one direction, forward.


Debugging an evil Go runtime bug: From heat guns to kernel compiler flags

So gnarly.


I've made a new release of my dithering library and tool! This one greatly reduces memory usage, and makes things faster as well, for error diffusion dithering at least.


The majority of non-technical people I've talked to confuse a search engine and a browser for being the same thing. A good thing to remember if you're trying to evangelize a different browser or search engine to anyone, and an easy thing for nerds to forget.

@makeworld i can get why; its the same reason AOL keywords worked. the search engine is a kind of DNS resolver for humans the way a web address literally resolved, so it all feels like one technical product
Linux in a Bit 🐧

:ablobcatattentionreverse: Use DuckDuckGo!

:ablobfoxbongo: ok *installs DuckDuckGo browser*

:blobcat3csmirk: Not what I meant, but ok...


Stephen Fry reads Nick Cave's stirring letter about ChatGPT and human creativity

Marcelle Rusu

@makeworld I feel this.

I've put it this way:

"impactful art" requires mastery, mastery requires 2 things: practice, and taste.

And you could even just say taste, but you cannot get taste without a lot of exposure - why practice is important. <- IME this can take a lot of time, for me 6 years on guitar & 7 years on code.

I'm not opposed to making the process of making art easier, but it should still have room for mastery.


> Lorde’s [email] messages do not belong to the internet of Twitter or Instagram; they don’t belong to the internet of Substack, either. You can’t link to them! So they aren’t even part of the World Wide Web — not really. They constitute their own special thing.

> They are sovereign!


If I was cool I would bring a solar cooker to the picnic


This simple command-line clipboard tool has been surprisingly useful.


I have released a new command-line tool called "days". It calculates the number of days between two dates.

$ days until july 1

Get it here:

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@makeworld @j3s I felt that read, and those credits – love fest ❤️

William D. Jones

@makeworld @j3s >nobody wants to use 10 year old thinkpads that can barely manage a youtube video.

Well on the other hand, mine W520 is still my main work machine, and I can watch YT videos just fine :D.

No need to replace it every 2-3 years; I will use this machine to the very end if need be. It has earned it's keep and rest.


@makeworld good stuff, free software movement is/was like a 'free gift' capital appropriated for itself?


Trying to think of cool SSH applications to build... the problem is justifying the SaaS approach

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