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887 posts total
Maxim Lebedev

The quality and some success of motivates me to try to get back into and make something of my own. Preferably in multiplayer form.

But I'm really bad with ideas, the ones that have been with me for twenty years are pretty big and complex. No one forbids me to make another , of course, but it's kind of hackneyed. Card genres are a bit boring for me too.

I need some sort of mechanic generator and gamejam for brainstorming. :ablobthinkingeyes:

Maxim Lebedev

@toby3d 🤝 @m2m

What everyone who has ever worked with products dreams of read:

Maxim Lebedev

In my lifetime, I've heard either enthusiastic terads from managers who are bombarded with dozens of parameters for tasks, filters and charts, but don't give a damn about workflows. Or nothing at all from employees who try to use these products because their managers make them do it.

I was that employee. In a way, I'm even glad that Atlassian themselves refuse to let me pay them money.

Script overloaded, slow and inconvenient shit products.

Maxim Lebedev

Деньги на я нашёл. Осталось найти 140гб свободного места.

Maxim Lebedev

How embarrassing being a simple indie composer, who doesn't even do as a main activity, to approach far more famous and popular professionals with any requests. :blobeyes:

Maxim Lebedev

This is my music listening/buying statistics published through for the year 2023.




@toby3d Ты крутой! Поздравляю с поебдой над собой и всеми встретившимися багами :)

Maxim Lebedev

redirects to the Linkin Park page automatically, even though the page before it exists and is filled with something. I mean, it "breaks the link" and rewrites my scrobbles, taking away my listens and stats in favor of a band I don't even like. Disgusting.

Maxim Lebedev

What do you think is the most unexpected thing you might hear in the release of my next album?

Maxim Lebedev

мой кошелёк обречён

Maxim Lebedev

Потому что эту игру, в которую я когда-то играл с диска, нигде кроме как в нельзя легально достать. Ну и цена по скидке уже ниже некуда.

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Iron Bug
@toby3d здесь и сейчас. других возможностей не представляется. нельзя жить вчера или завтра. только сегодня и сейчас.
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