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2 posts total
Your friendly 'net denizen

"This is going to sound wild to anyone who lives in the US, but for any two-story rowhouse in Tokyo, the owner can by right operate a bar, a restaurant, a boutique, a small workshop on the ground floor β€” even in the most residential zoned sections of the city. That means you have an incredible supply of potential microspaces."


Your friendly 'net denizen

Pretty much everywhere I've ever lived in the US ended up looking like:

[Beautiful spokesmodel with big smile awkwardly gesturing at repulsive view of wide streets crammed with cars and giant ugly signs]: "Come down town where you can sample a selection of our finest national brands!"

Your friendly 'net denizen

I was reminded of this yesterday. Seems like a good thing to revisit occasionally.

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Colin the Mathmo

@cstanhope The "discussion" on The Orange Site provides a fascinating insight into the people there.

It's disturbing, and oddly compelling, rather like a car crash.

There are some people there that I not only never want to work with, but who I never want to meet.

clacke: looking for something πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺπŸ‡­πŸ‡°πŸ’™πŸ’›
@cstanhope I was struggling as a 0.3x engineer because the higher-ups didn't get it, they expected that as a senior I should have been a 3x. But then the right person promoted me to 0.1x engineer and the team is more productive than ever and with better quality too.
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