Now I’m ready to learn about this fancy “computer programming” stuff I have heard so much about.
Now I’m ready to learn about this fancy “computer programming” stuff I have heard so much about. Katharina Valeeva aka Катарина Валеева aka ArtnikaDE (Russian-German, b. 1978, Kislovodsk, Russia, based Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany) - Nachtlichter der Stadt (City Night Lights), 2021, Paintings: Oil on Linen А какие критерии этого самого Late-Stage Capitalism? Есть ощущуние, что его уже в late-stage раз 4ый или 5ый заносят неиронично каждый раз включаю музыку в наушниках сначала в одном ухе, а потом в двух. Ну, мало ли <Serj> терпеть не могу полиэтиленовые китайские палатки, нет ничего лучше советской брезентовой
Show previous comments FFmpeg taking the piss out of sound wave is the best kind of internet irony i could have hoped for today Такими темпами на госуслугах правда появятся альтушки QIWI еще как-то крутятся. Понятия не имею на каком подсосе оно едет. Приложуха жива, какие-то услуги обещают запустить.
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@stefano about 6 years ago a doctor asked me the best way to set up his new office and patients files. I recommended a server that was not connected to the internet to keep his patients records. The program on the web he wanted to use we could basically restyle to suit his needs. He found that idea unacceptable and went with a cloud based company. I often wonder how many times he goes down or needs to tell patients their files have been compromised. @stefano I couldn't agree more. Choose whichever architecture you wish (IDK -even periodical local copies of cloud repositories if nothing else is available our supported by management) but ask yourself if critical services are really autonomous or else can be brought down by not-so-extreme circumstances and render basic vital information inaccessible. If I depend on a single wire (literally or figuratively speaking) I'm likely to run into trouble. Yah my work moved their accounting/job/invoicing system to the cloud. It is annoyingly slow and I wish they just done hybrid but apparently they were never given that option.
But yeah, people aren't generally aware of how fragile infrastructure is.
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@FediTips We have a fun little article with screenshots that people can look at here: @FediTips I FUCKING LOVE TECHNOLOGY AND HOW PEOPLE STILL MAKE STUFF FOR OLD SOFTWARE Я обрёл законные основания не использовать Times New Roman в своём докладе, написать доклад шрифтом Tinos, а потенциально и послать очень далеко и надолго требование ВУЗа к курсовым шрифтом Times New Roman. class struggle, title screen, apple II (1985),983793/ @moshboy Фильмы посмотреть: Да, все с Гослингом. Но до того, как его стали эксплуатировать, где у него ебало каменное, либо наоборот сильно сахарное. |
@GrantMeStrength I have the cover of this seminal text on a t-shirt
@GrantMeStrength These books are still wonderful to leaf through.
@GrantMeStrength and you don’t need a computer for it!