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Meko #nowar

Hello, @mozilla

There’s some info from Yandex browser developers that renaming their browser executable from yandex.exe to chrome.exe helped them to improve speed of their browser. This is probably because of some system and driver optimisations related to process name.

Did you make such a type of tests? Maybe it may help to improve your browser speed at almost no cost.

Source in Russian.


Meko #nowar
The "smarter" device is, the more complicated bugs it has.

@yura Yes.

Just look at human brain. How did it ever pass testing phase?

Or did it...

Meko #nowar
Something has gone not according to the plan

Meko #nowar
This bicyclist. We all need such a strong nerves sometimes.

Meko #nowar
Should I already install debian 12? Or wait for a little?
Meko #nowar
@Kafazen лайкает кошкомальчиков :blobcatthinkOwO:
Meko #nowar
Anyone here playing Space Engineers?
Can I join you?
Meko #nowar
Путь к любви кошки лежит через её желудок

@yura Не уверен.

По-моему они это всегда воспринимают как должное.

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