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335 posts total
Owl!🦉 И блюскай вы похоже тоже более не ведете, господин хомяк! По что вы что вы оставили нас? 😖 Зачем присягнули на верность илону маску? 😭

Актитвируем ваш уголь бесплатно без смс и регистрации, зовите мастера Виталика, телефон +79365037208 (набрал случайные циферки, телефон не реальный, а если и реальный, то всё равно не звоните).


Caught this Barred Owl watching me make my morning tea.

“Who brews for you? Who brews for you?”

#nature #wildlife #owls #birding #birds

I Care About The World

@danmccullough I have heard them but have never had the good fortune of seeing them. Such good camouflaging on their part or poor eyesight on my part - not sure which. 😁



Господин хомяк, я обличаю вас во вранье! Никто не будет банить вас в феддивёрсе потому что вы его более не ведете.


@Pappy Except, in the REAL world, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark are MONARCHIES with strongly regulated capitalism. Which Americans used to have, until Republicans wormed their way into power and ate the government from the inside. What gets your pants tingling about those countries is, they're WHITE people, so you think their flavour of "socialism" is cool. When someone points you to Nicaragua's socialist govt, it's not so cool, is it?


My first #Mermay contribution this year :blobCat_party:​

I hope I will draw more of them next days...

#drawing #art #MastoArt #CreativeToots #krita #ArtWithOpenSource #mermaid


Coding some screens from my cute slice of life #yuri #visualnovel Clear Skye Thinking!
You can wishlist the game on Steam here:

#indiedev #indiegame

Owl!🦉 Contact!

I saw some photos of them, they are called Bluestripe Butterflyfish (I hope I noted it well :D)

#drawing #art #MastoArt #CreativeToots #krita #ArtWithOpenSource #fish


#owls #совушки

Елка опять снесла яйца. Надеюсь, на этот раз они не пустые...



A person from db0's lemmy published a post with various sd3 tests ->
one of them struck me as particularly funny.

Can you check if mj6 is able to generate "a horse riding an astronaut"?
Dalle3 (as well as sd3) seem to fail this task 😀

BeAware :veriweed:

@lonelyowl I tried! No cigar unfortunately...🤷‍♂️ It assumes logic. Hopefully this changes over time.


Похоже, игра и в самом деле вышла исключительно дерьмовая 🤔

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